(61) An Unplanned Meeting

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Heh, unplanned as in unplanned upload amirite?? Nay?

Guess what? :p Lay it on me, go ahead, be maaad


"And then, he said yes."

Technoblade recalled with a sigh, slumping down on his seat once he finished his story of what happened. This caused Skeppy an indignant huff, crossing his arms in disdain. Dream on the other hand remained unreadable, his usual mask covering all types of signs from showing his face and his posture was the same as it has been for the last twenty minutes flat.

"Of course he'll say yes, I knew that we should've stayed with him. You know, glue together like hip to hip." Skeppy gestured with his hands, motions going from him to Dream to his hip with a raised brow.

Then, finally, Dream moved like the human being he was. He rolled his shoulders, leaning back on his own chair as he began to fiddle with his hands together on the table. "You and I both know too well that Bad wouldn't like that," he calmly stated, turning his head so that he was facing the tanned male directly. "You already tried that, Skeppy."

The man in question frowned, pouting heavily and Techno could only raise his eyebrows at his behaviour. He couldn't believe that this was the same person that closely managed to keep him and Bad from getting together in the first place.

"Yeah, I did," Skeppy admitted, rolling his eyes in the process. "Look where it got him: happy."

The pink-haired man held a choked breath, brown eyes immediately darting towards Dream who he feels was already narrowing his eyes at Skeppy.

The diamond boy was quick to raise a hand, halting whatever protest Dream had for him. "Look, Dream, we've been here before. I know you were too busy at the time and all that shit, but obviously, I have a point here. Your plan: trying to dissuade Bad from going? It won't work. You and he might've been there for each other since you were practically walking in diapers, but I'm the one who's been with Bad for the last past five years."

Technoblade willed himself to remain still, thinking that maybe, if he doesn't move, then he can turn invisible as drinking the actual potion. He came here to discuss a plan with Bad's most trusted people, not to take a front-row seat so the pair could squabble like a pair of a divorced couple. He felt like a child watching his parents fight across the living room. It made him frown and annoyed at the same time.

"Well if you're so-oh knowledgeable, then what do you suppose we should do, huh? You said it yourself, Bad's not gonna listen to either of us. Might as well let him off like a sheep to a lion's den." Dream countered, his voice stern.

Skeppy slams a fist on his open palm. "We jump them. Right before the meeting place!"

"THAT'S NOT A VALID PLAN!" Dream echoed.

Technoblade pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. How had Bad managed these two together? He will never know. All that he does know is his newfound respect for his boyfriend's patience.

The hero with pink hair - not so gently - placed his hands down the table, successfully interrupting the pair's argument. "Enough," he began, glaring both at Dream and Skeppy. "We're here to discuss Bad's safety, not about who knows him better or what. So help me Chuck or else I'm leaving."

Dream pointedly stared at the one with a blue hoodie, tilting ever so lightly towards Techno in an attempt for a truce. Soon, Skeppy gave in. He expelled a tired sigh, running a hand through his ever-so messy hair and dragged his eyes towards Technoblade's way.

"I know, it's just... you know my attempts at persuading Bad always pushes him the other way," the young man explained. His head lazily rolling as he gave David a deadpan look knowing that the latter was supposed to understand what he entails.

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