(64) Make Me

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Uhm, hi. This and the next chapter are dialogue-heavy. It includes themes that may make you uncomfortable e.g mention of violence, death, etc. 

I don't think that it's that graphic but do let me know in the comments what you think of this chapter!


"I'm sorry."

Dave had run through every scenario in his head. What he'll do when Shane utters his hatred, his incomplete resentment, unsated thirst to kick a forgiving character. The point is, he was ready. A diamond sword, a stone axe and an iron pickaxe were placed neatly in his Hotbar, just waiting to be used.

What the hero did not expect were those two words coming out from his beloved's supposed ex.


And judging by Bad's reaction, Techno could safely assume that he did not expect it either.

Shane shook his head before tilting his chin back again with steady eyes. "Bad - Darryl, I'm sorry that I cheated on you. It was pretty stupid and I know it's weird now since it's been literal years and I- I guess I just couldn't take the thought of you off my mind."

The pink-haired man froze, looking between Bad and Shane as if they were talking in another language which, by the way, they had to be, right? There is just no way. No absolute way that whatever words Shane's spewing are the same ones he meant. Like, seriously, are these the new terms that people use to say they hate each other?

Technoblade watched as BadBoyHalo squinted, green eyes brewing in confusion and... was that pity? "You never knew," That was all the brunette said and Techno was back glaring in Shane's direction.

Shane looked down, hands clasped together in a manner that screamed guilt in every direction. "I remember your face when you saw me with Shayanne-" Shane winced when Techno took a step forward. Whatever forgiveness the man was asking, Technoblade was sure he could chop him up to pieces in four quick slices. Maybe he could feed him to the wilderness? He's pretty sure he can tame an army of zombies if he included Josh and Tanner into the menu as well.


Both men turned towards the brunette who uttered his name like a nun committing blasphemy. Technoblade's heart dropped, his clenched fists loosening and the urge to pull Bad in a hug overwhelmed his form. The latter stood there, lips formed in a bitter smile as tears began welling around his green eyes - eyes that were glazed and unfocused, obvious that despite being physically present, his mind was elsewhere and Techno could only think that whatever was playing behind those eyes was not an ideal scene.

Bad held out an arm to stop Techno from coming in close, wiping his face with the other as he sniffs. "I did everything for you. I've put up with Joshua and Tanner's punishments because I believed them, and it took me to the point of you cheating and pushing my friends away to understand that it was all wrong.

"I remember that night, of course, I did. I was the one to push you into that furnace, didn't I?" Bad laughed, ugly and forced, everything that screamed wrong and not him. "Imagine your surprise when you saw me through your bleeding head," the man bit his lip and turned away, the air around them whistling slowly as the man recalled the events. "I didn't stick around long enough for your friends to come to find me because I knew for sure that once they've found out that their beatings were still not enough, they would love to redo the whole job," he then looks up again and Techno could not help the chill that passed his spine.

"And I'm afraid they're going to finish it for good that time around."

This time, Dave pushed his way through the silent restrain and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and pulled him close. This part, he heard. This part of the abuse, he'd seen with his own two eyes and kissed with his own lips. The hero has always had a knack of being able to sense fear off his preys, from the uneasy eyes, fidgeting hands and hard swallow of the throat. Hell, he once relished the feeling of being able to evoke fear of others... but to Darryl? It was different.

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