(56) A Pack of Hungry Wolves

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Oh? What's this? The start of a moment you're all been waiting for? ,':3


Stepping outside, the gush of cold wind hit right unto the pair as soon as they were out of the warmth of the palace's interior. Leaving the door slightly ajar as to avoid total suspicion, David turned towards Zak who was now set to pacing back and forth, rubbing his hands together in a nervous habit. Running his hand through his own pink hair, David was suddenly reminded of the time when Darryl admitted that his hair was much fluffier than his best friend's... he hid a smirk behind his fist, lamely coughing instead.

The other man side-eyed him, raising a quick brow before sighing at last. Fixing his throat, the pink-head hero crossed his arms, raising his chin an inch - a habit he has come to practice from the past years of constantly being badgered by random strangers on the streets. To intimidate them if nothing at all.

"You said it's about Bad?" David brought up if Zak was too twitchy to bring the topic up again. He was already losing his patience, wanting to get back inside the warmth of his palace and help his boyfriend unpack.

Zak cupped the lower part of his face, sucking in a lot of breath as if mentally preparing himself for something big. The pink-haired man couldn't help but feel his own anxiety at the act. Finally, after a few dreadful minutes, the noir-haired man began.

"Yesterday, sometime in the afternoon, people entered the gates searching for Bad," Skeppy rubbed his temple in frustration, like the mere act of relaying this story was painful enough for him.

Now fully gaining the taller hero's attention, Technoblade couldn't help but feel the urge to protect. He flexed his fingers, conscious of the fact that it was readily turning into fists by instinct. "Do you know who these people are?" his voice was dangerously low, tentative at the choice of his words so as to not spook Skeppy.

Fortunately for him, it seems that the diamond man did not care if he sounded ready to fight. Already ready with a furious look on his face, avoiding Techno's gaze like hiding his anger would do any good. Bitterly, he answered.

"Yeah," - spoken through gritted teeth - "I know fucking well who they are."

Taming his inner thirst for a fight, Techno narrowed his eyes at the thought of what these people want with Bad and why Skeppy suddenly looked so ready to tear heads apart. The latter opened his mouth, probably ready to share the names when someone knocked by the door, catching both heroes off guard.

Out from the inside came Clay with his mask on, standing in between both male with his arms on his hips, cocking his head to the side. "Have you told him yet?" he tilted towards David like a cat.

Zak rolled his eyes, "I was when you so rudely interrupted!" he hissed with less actual heat, not really that annoyed. Soon, his own eyes waver, annoyance flushing down now with concern back in his eyes. "Have you told him?" he asked instead in low volume, slightly gesturing back inside which made David assume that they were talking about Darryl.

The blond sighed, closing his green eyes then shook. "I- I can't... I can't afford it, not when he looks so genuinely happy to be at home," he explained in regret and David couldn't help but feel out of place. Clearly, whoever these people are, they're causing such great discomfort to Darryl's one and only family.

And whoever's an enemy of Bad's family is his as well.

This time, Technoblade finally cuts in, wanting to get in the news and not out of the loop. He hates it if doesn't have control over things. "Sorry to interrupt your pity party, but will you please, for the love of BadBoyHalo's muffins, tell me who on Earth these people are?"

Skeppy's eyes widened as if suddenly remembering that Technoblade was there in front of him in the first place. "Uh, yeah, right." he cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's Shane, Tanner and Josh." Dream blurted out, stealing Skeppy's spotlight and ignoring the latter's glare.

"Who?" Who the hell are these names?

Skeppy sighed, "It's Bad's ex and his shithead sidekicks."

Well now. That changes a lot of things, doesn't it? Three pests have entered his territory, now what about it? Clearly, Techno's first choice was to hospitalize the trio, but it was obvious that he wasn't getting to do that anytime soon without a justifiable reason to the mayor.

Techno crossed his arms, huffing out a breath and thinks that the night chill is finally getting to him. "What do you guys want me to do about it?" the hero could think of numerous ways to go about this information. Tell his friends and have them hire guards around the village in order to keep an eye on them. That's one of the choices besides forty-nine more.

PhiLzA would probably agree with him, have the blond roam around low and let his fatherly instincts take over. He knows that the man was close enough to the mayor that he can probably get him to throw the men outside the village and have them banned from coming back.

A hand on his shoulder brought Techno out from his much murkier thoughts, bringing him back to the present where Dream was shaking his head, his other arms sat on Skeppy's as well, the same way as his.

"We're not asking much but to keep an eye on Bad." Dream exclaimed with his unwavering voice. Unlike Skeppy, he didn't look like he was losing composure. "I was going to suggest for you to keep him away from them but I know that would be almost impossible."

Technoblade frowned. Impossible? How?

Dream retracted his arms, displaying it a bit in front with open palms. "You see, when I saw them earlier, Shane - Bad's ex - looked determined to the core, and I get the feeling he wasn't about to give up until he gets to talk to him, much to my distaste."

"Although, if they do meet up, don't forget to tell Skeppy or me immediately."

Technoblade was about to shrug, thinking that his mere presence was enough to be Bad's guardian. However, when he looked up to meet the blond's eyes, he wasn't expecting it to look so... menacing. Almost - if not - as dangerous as he was from before.

Dream's eyes were green, but unlike Bad's inviting ones, his mimics the signs of frost. Cold with a slight sight of heat - not to warm - but to devour in flames. To spread like wildfire, an inferno is ready to be set with just the right amount of flint. It was clear to the pink-haired hero, that he wasn't being given the choice. He's supposed to tell them whether he likes it or not.

Whatever or whoever these people are, they clearly have an unfinished business to settle. They would do anything for Bad even to the point of killing. Out of nowhere, Technoblade suddenly felt so lucky for getting such an easy pass. One wrong move and he would have Bad's family seeking his blood.

From the travellers, the dream team, and then Skeppy. It's going to be like a pack of wolves hunting for their prey, altogether. And joining the pack seems to be the only wise decision rather than going against it.

Technoblade nodded his head, he understood well.

"I'll keep an eye out."

What do you guys think? Who and what exactly are these people that they got Skep and Dream out for their blood?

Finally, something interesting? Hmmmmmm whilst you guys wait for the next chapter, why don'tcha leave a star? It helps so so much and ever since I dropped, there were less readers in this fic. 

Anyhows, you lovely maniacs Spread the Word, a'ight? I'll see you all soon. The time to unravel Bad's story.



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