(10) Distracted

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Two weeks.

It has been two weeks since David last talked with the brunette and if he were to be honest? It was setting him off guard. Right after they got back in the hub, everything went back to... normal. Insanely too sane for David's senses. It was just like they never paired up in the first place. 

It's not like Technoblade didn't try to get to talk to the brunette again, he really tried. When he saw BBH at the village market, he called out for him and he swears Bad noticed him. The brown-haired boy's ears perked up. When he started approaching him, the hooded male took the opposite path away from him. It happened a couple more times, whether it be in the hub, village library, or the plaza. The male just, he just flees whenever he turns to him. 

If the pink head didn't know any better, he thinks that Darryl was actually ignoring him. But he can't be, right? They were just fine before. David bit his lip, eyebrows furrowing deeper as he racks his brain for possible answers. He didn't say anything that offended Darryl, did he? 

He frowned. Maybe the other was just really busy? Yeah, that's probably it. Although deep inside, he knows that he's just making up excuses upon excuses to cover the truth. Since entertaining the possibility of the brunette actually ignoring him, hurts him much more. 

Techno wasn't sure why he felt that way. All he knows was that every time he thinks of that thought, he can't help but feel his chest involuntarily stricken, the beating of his heart suddenly turns to punching his lungs. It also didn't help that his head can't think straight. Whenever he closes his eyes, he finds himself back in the cave, campfire in the centre and the brunette sitting beside him with his coat on–

"—Techno, watch out!" 

The yelling of his alias brought him back to his current situation. His oak brown eyes widened before using his quick reflexes to deflect the arrow that was headed straight in between his eyes. A mop of blonde hair slipped behind the skeleton before bringing an iron sword down the mob's spine, effectively turning it to dust.

That's right, he's currently doing a quest with his friend, Phil. David cursed beneath his breath as he mentally scolded himself. After a week of not being able to talk to Darryl, he caught himself thinking a lot about the latter more frequently; so he decided to go on this one-week A-class quest with his friend to try and distract himself. 

As you can see... it's not going well. He later found out that it caused more daydreaming. Distracting himself more from the quest rather than from the brunette. 

He heard Phil jogged up to him, panting heavily as he places both of his hands on his knees to catch up in his breathing. "The fuck man? This is the twelfth time you've zoned out. You gotta focus man, you nearly got killed!" Philza exclaimed. Putting a hand on the pink head's shoulder, lightly shaking him. 

When he noticed the other wasn't responding, he stopped his movements and glanced up to find that the male's eyes were unfocused once again. Trapped in a daze with eyes softened in a wistful look.

Phil familiarise that look. He'd seen it a lot of times before. "Shit dude. You got it bad... you didn't tell me about this. If I had known, I wouldn't have dragged you in this!"

With that, Techno laughed like his friend had just made the funniest joke he ever heard. "Phil, Phil... That's the reason I even agreed to this in the first place!" He chortled whilst shaking his head, "Obviously my plan didn't work." He sighed sounding defeated. 

The other didn't think he would ever see the day... David—Technobladethe same man everyone was feared of... looked like a lovestruck fool!

David watched with his observant chocolate-glazed eyes at how Phil's lips suddenly formed into a goofy smile. What was this idiot smiling about? Can't he see how much he's suffering?! 

"Dude! You have a crush!" 

David swore he felt a twitch on his eyebrow once Phil said it. He suddenly felt like scratching an itch that wasn't there. "What." A cru— crush?? What the hell? 

The pink head stared at Phil like he had just grown two heads, "Phil, I told you not to eat those mushrooms—!" 

He was cut off when the blonde smacked him on the head, "Shush! Now tell me. What's her name? Is she from the village? In the kingdom perhaps? Or have you met her through one of your adventures? When was the last time you went out again? Oh, right! When you got paired up with Skeppy's partner. Was it when you were on that quest? The reason why you took ages to return?"

Phil started bombarding him with questions and gosh did David feel a bit embarrassed and annoyed. He started fiddling with the end of his coat, a new one that he got from his closet, and tried to clear out his head so he can answer the blonde's questions one by one. 

"Okay... first of all, she's actually a he."

:P CuT!

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