(09) Arrived

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Fun fact! This whole book was supposed to be a One-shot for my One-shot "A Muffin for Everyone" book.

Then, since more ideas kept coming out for this duo, I didn't have any choice. :/


Tripping over a root, Technoblade stumbled his steps. Despite being healed to his full ten hearts, he still felt a little bit weaker than his usual self. He frowned as he stumbled forward, being caught by his teammate before he even hit the ground.

"Techno you muffin! Be careful!" Bad scolded with brows furrowed as he helped the hero steady in his own legs. Techno looked up to be met with the most daring green eyes he has ever seen. Feeling a little bit lost in it.

The pink head chortled. His deep voice echoing a bit, "What's with your obsession over muffins?" His voice was hoarse making him cringe from hearing it.

Darryl must've noticed because he dropped his bag on the dirt and began looking around inside. "I... don't know?" He replied with a shrug, "Maybe because muffins are fluffy and yummy! Besides, who doesn't like muffins? They're really sweet and-"

"yeah, especially the one next to me."



The brunette got back up, bag once again on his back as he gave Technoblade a bottle of water.

The latter was about to object but BBH immediately cut him off. "Oh my goodness, come on you muffin!"

He pushed the water on the taller male's hands, forcing Techno to accept it. Taking it, he watched as the brown-haired male walk-off, not failing to notice the way the tip of his ears in bright pink.


They had now finally arrived at the village's entrance! As soon as the pair walked in people started flooding around them, a lot of them asking questions on what happened, why he was late, and how Skeppy and Vikk had already returned a few days ago.

Throughout the whole midst of this, he tried to be polite as possible, taking in consideration that they might touch his still swollen back. Glancing around him, he noticed that Darryl had brought his hood up, putting a distance away from the mob and him.

"Techno! What was it like to carry the whole team again?" One villager asked, yanking him off guard making him lose the brunette in the crowd.

Slightly irritated at the question he pulled his arm back, an annoyed expression going over him. Did they think that Bad needed to get carried? Preposterous!

David bit back his tongue from talking back in a harsh tone, so instead, he forced a smile at the people around him-you can clearly see a vein had gone visible on his forehead, and tried to lower down his volume.

"I'm politely asking if you could please excuse me."

Once the folks gave him a path, he wasted no time catching up to Darryl who was a few steps away from the hub's entry. Jogging over, he was ready to call the brunette by his alias when a flash of blue got out the hub and tackled Darryl into a hug.

Technoblade abruptly stopped on his tracks, he stood there watching the pair laugh. "Geppy!" Bad exclaimed as he ruffled the boy's jet black hair.

Skeppy laughed, obviously missing his best friend. "You're late again Bad!" He said as he stood up and helped the said male on his feet.

"I knoow, I'm sorry!" Bad gave him an apologetic smile.

Skeppy just rolled his eyes and began patting dirt off of BBH's black hoodie, "are you all good? You weren't hurt were you? I swear to god if Techno-"

"Skeppy, skeppy... I'm alright, see?" Darryl raised his arms and turned around showing his friend that he was unharmed. Deciding that this was the chance to intrude, David walked up to them. Darryl gave him a friendly smile while Zak just narrowed his eyes.

"Actually, it was Techno-muffin who got hurt so we needed to stay put for a day..."

Darryl explained and for a minute Zak actually looked concerned, "Him? But he doesn't..." his statement trailed off, brown eyes meeting David's, and with a quick snap, Zak understood.

"Oh, well then, how about we head inside?" He offered instead, pulling Bad with him while the pink head followed a suit, eyeing the way Skeppy tried to put distance between him and Badboyhalo.

"Technoblade! You're alive!" Vikkstar greeted him once he entered the dimly lit hub making him roll his eyes. He just knows the man wouldn't let him get away with this.

Looking up at the ranking, his and Bad's name was registered on the board upon finally arriving and completing the mission.

Skeppy and Vikkstar got 1st place, howdy doody, what a surprise.

His brown glazed eyes trailed lower and saw his name. Rank 5... not bad he guess. Could've gotten worse, like hitting lower than ten or something. They wouldn't get a prize though, but that's okay with him.

He then looked around the place, trying to see if Bad was anywhere in sight.

Unnoticing it, a frown came upon his lips as soon as he finds out that the brunette had already left without a proper goodbye.

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Oh, and why don't don't you guys share this story so more people could join in the fun of a rare ship? Go ahead, don't be shy!!!


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