(68) What a Patient Heart Deserves

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This had been a long time coming; it's a treat for you guys! Thank you for waiting this long<3 

enjoy! :)


A week had passed since he was successfully released from the hospital. Four when he woke up to a space instead of his beloved's body heat. The sun peaked through the curtain from his balcony, hitting just right to shine against Technoblade's closed eyelids in an attempt to rouse him awake. He groaned, flipping his body to the other side with a sigh.

Moments after his first consciousness, Technoblade groaned in a yawn, his mind whirring slowly to register a couple of things in his morning. The first notice was the cold space he had landed on. The next one was the sound of a soft and a faint sizzling oil which, judging by the smell his nose found, was a scent of freshly done bacon and eggs.

Begrudgingly, Techno left the comforts of his bed, picking up and wearing a pair of sweatpants he found on the way to the kitchen. Blinking the sleepiness away, the hero smiled at the sight that graced him, effectively making up the morning of his day. Bad, with ruffled hair and a bounce in his step, hummed happily as he flipped another bacon to a plate. The air around him was seemingly light as the sun coming from a nearby window complimented the tone of his skin.

Deciding that he had enough of just taking in a picture - though, he swears he could stare forever if he so wants to, but who would want that when he could touch? - Technoblade swiftly crossed the polished matte floors and wrapped his arms around Bad's waist from behind, placing his chin on top of the shorter's after he gingerly gave a kiss on the crown of his boyfriend's head.

"Mmm... you look good in my uniform," Technoblade complimented making the brunette gigle. Indeed, BadBoyHalo was wearing the white buttoned undershirt Techno wears under his red coats - sans cravat and the waistcoat. "And this is the fourth morning I woke up without you on my side," the pink head pouted before Bad turned his head to meet his lips, a smile on both their faces when they parted.

"Hm... yes, but you see, I can't cook us breakfast when I'm in bed– oh! Speaking of which, close your eyes Techno!"

"Wha–" although before Technoblade could properly question, Bad has covered his vision by smacking a hand on his eyes, "Ow."

"Sorry!" Bad was quick to apologise while turning the furnace off with one hand. "Just– just make sure you have your eyes closed, okay?" Technoblade complied though he was curious as to what the brunette is up to that he can't see.

The sounds of quick footsteps and plates being carried as well as the fridge opening and closing filled his ears and no sooner, Technoblade was gently being guided forward. In a few steps, Techno felt the warm hand on his back disappear. The scent of Bad drifting away just beyond four feet and he was forced to take a hold of the back of a wooden chair he had managed to take ahold of.

"Okay, okay... now, you can open your eyes!"

And David did. He blinked a couple of times, willing himself to adjust to the sudden brightness before realizing what was in front of him. Placed on the table was their breakfast for the morning. Two plates with eggs as eyes and portions of bacon for the smiles and hairs. A pitcher of juice, a bowl of fruits and at the middle was a nicely baked cake in white frosting and strawberry toppings. Around the cake, of course, were none other but well-made muffins, alternating between blueberry and strawberry in flavour.

David looked up, his eyes wide and disbelieving as no words seem to be able to come out of his mouth. "Bad..." was all he could utter, breath stuttering in a halt when took in the sight of his boyfriend's face which was filled with adoration and fondness.

Darryl grinned at him, gesturing to the table by raising his arms high on the side. "Happy Birthday, Davey." Opting to walk around the table, David decided to skip the foods on the table and head directly for the dessert, which, in this case, was his boyfriend with his stupid dopey smile.

"Bad, fuck— nobody has... I— I don't even remember when was the last time I celebrated..." The pupils on his eyes dilated and Technoblade hid his face on Bad's shoulder thinking that it was way less embarrassing to do that than allow the brunette to see him burst into tears because of a fucking surprise celebration by smiley-faced breakfasts and home-baked pastries.

"Thank you," Techno finally said, body relaxing when he felt Bad's arms wrap around and tenderly rub his back. "Thank you, Dar, thank you."


After Techno's suggestion of recreating the dessert last night by turning it breakfast in bed, BadBoyHalo had to wave him away in a roll of an eye and flustered laugh, reminding the pink-haired hero that Philza and Wilbur would be dropping by at any moment because they had a scheduled mission to fulfil from the capitol.

Technoblade had huffed annoyed at the reminder of that stupid quest Philza had been nagging him for weeks. The only reason they hadn't gone out yet was that, well, the events that transpired. The attack, Techno's hospitalization... really, no mission inquiry was fit for them to take on in that small time frame. And he had promised the blond that he was ready today, so no, he can't cancel anymore.

The sound of door-knocking brought Techno back to the present. Raising an eyebrow at Bad packing up the muffins he for sure knew would be coming with him as snacks for the trip. He crossed his arms, disappointed that his friends decided to not forget the job they were supposed to do.

"Wear a shirt!" Bad's voice called out after he told him that he was getting the door. Technoblade looked down, suddenly aware of his naked torso and groaned but momentarily stopped when he caught sight of a familiar hoodie laying by the couch. Smirking, Techno grabbed the black hood, idly tracing the red lines with the edge of his fingers before shrugging it on. It was a bit tight and short by the arms but nevertheless, fit snugly on his form; also better than opening the door and greeting his friends half-naked - which, by the way, would not be the first.

Techno chuckled at the memory of him pranking Skeppy and thought that he might as well do just that with Philza and Wilbur. Because, hey, what could go wrong? And thus, he left the jacket unzipped, open at the front as he swung the door to welcome his friends.

"Philza, Wil."

"Heya TeHoly mother of— what the fuck dude? What the hell is that shit on your collar?" Wilbur was first to react, which, of fucking course he would be.

Technoblade, to his credit, resisted the urge to run away. Instead, he took a few steps back, allowing his friends to enter his palace before closing the door behind them. "Dessert last night." He nonchalantly answered yet silently triumphant at the reactions he received. "Stay here, I won't be long." He called before promptly turning towards the bedroom, relenting to get ready but then chuckled when he heard voices travel loud enough to know that they had seen Bad's preparations.

"Holy— What?! You cooked all this?" That was all he heard before closing the door and heading straight for the bathroom.

Thank you for voting and sharing your love! :3

I reckon that the next chapter would be the end? Then (70) would serve as the epilogue. How was this... LMAO this ride?? 

P.s If you're reading this, rose, always be reminded to bring gloves with you! :D


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