//Commercial Ends!//

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And time's up! Here are the questions I've gathered! 

P.s I thought nobody would want to participate in this silly q & a, so thank you for humouring me :3  I wanted to answer them back at the comments but had to remind myself that I gotta answer them here– so anyways!!!!


>Will Techno have a rival for Bad's love?

- No, not really. Attention, sure, but love? The muffin's too scared for that.

Favourite colour?

- The primary colours; Red's the top tho.


- HAH! NEVER!--he's coming soon. I've already written his show. He'll pop up in just one chapter tho, you'll understand why.

> Do you watch any TV shows and if you do, which ones?

- ...what are those? I only know Youtube- I watched Shadow Hunters tho :D it's where I got the title for this story!

> Will Darryl get kidnapped?

- Kinda? No. No, he won't. Something will happen to him, that, I'm sure of.

> What's your favourite ship?//What's your overall favourite ship?

- From the "Muffin for Everyone" book seems to be pretty clear that I like any ship that got Bad in it, yet my favourite one amongst all just got to be DreamHalo man. I'm a DreamHalo shipper all the waaaay. Other ship's good, but like, if you listen close enough, these two has a lot of moments near off cam. 

> How did ya first get into mcyt community?

- My cousin kept talking about it, fangirling about a certain ship named "SkepHalo" and how this Skeppy guy and BBH just matches well all over December. So as soon as January came and when I got the chance, I searched it up, saw Skeppy's vids, met BBH from it--and everything went from there. 

> Is the story going to be all/mostly fluff? Or will take an angsty direction too?

- I can guarantee you, angst is on the way. Angst will just, pop in and out at any given moment it gets.

> Does techno eat bacon? Does Bbh eat children?

- You. (you know who you are) How about you? ... are you okay? Do we need to call anyone? Type doggo if yes. 

> Favourite song?

- Currently, I'm loving these acoustic music. Though if you want a specific music, I'd say Sweater Weather's been in my mind for a while now. Or 505.

> Would you be open to receiving fan art?

- Absolutely! Fan arts, fan works, whatever you guys' pretty little heads could think of! Y'all could draw them in different outfits! Something different than hoodies for once! That is, if you all like to. No pressure and it's fine if you don't get to do either of those, just reading, voting, and seeing your comments are enough!<3

> What are your general plans for this story?

- I believe we still need some closure on Bad's past. Technoblade's background and whatever else I could make to play with y'all feelings. I would also love to write this at a view where not only one character has problem since that shit's fake, we all know everyone has one.

> What's a good question?/Can you answer this question?

- Y e s.

> Will there be any scenes showing more of Bad's relationship with the dream team?

- There would but you'll barely see it considering that this story's POV is Techno's.

> Is the book pre-planned? If yes, to what extend? Do you have the number of chapters and their content figured out already, or just the basic outline of how the story is supposed to go?

- At first it wasn't. Just like I said before, this book just sort of happened. It's already pre-planned now that I got the hang of it; and the latter.

> How many chapters do you have in mind?

- Not so sure. I still think that this might at least reach 50.

> How long does it usually take to get a chapter done?

- Honestly? Depends on the mood and how side track I get from worrying between this and the one-shot book. There was a time where I'm literally torn between writing a chapter in this or the other book and it only ended up with me watching YouTube. 乁| ・ 〰 ・ |ㄏ

> Do you have a least favourite Youtube? If yes, who.

- It used to be Tommy but I got to know him a bit better so currently, I don't know.

> Will there be more mcyt characters aside for the ones already in the story?

- There would be more but they're just going to be extras. They would come and go. I don't think I'll add anymore side characters.

Annnd that's a wrap!
I hope I was able to answer all your questions right. (^~^;)ゞ
Anyways, chapter (31) tomorrow!—Otherwise known as Season 2's opening.

Catch y'all later! Buh-byee~


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