(60) The Lackey's Mist

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Hello! Sorry for the delay! Also, I think there would be another delay on the next update cause of community issues >_>


It was a different situation when it was him and BadBoyHalo's "guards" that were stalking the group. Levelling their experience, skills, strengths... facing the trio head-on, everything suddenly felt so surreal. Like a faraway dream within reach, ready to come to life and make it happen.

In this case, however, the faraway dream Technoblade had been having was an itch to knock every single one of their teeth out in cold blood. Despite the serious concussion that could be brought upon these men, Techno figured that he couldn't be bothered to care. Because ever since Bad's confession, he was willing to bring more than a few bruises on the group, maybe a sword through the flesh; blood to be spilt?

He figures that Philza can cover for him. Get a couple of golden apples - that stuff is expensive as heck - to regenerate the boys back to health until he beats them up all over again into limbless pulps. Making their hearts go down into dangerous levels of one and a half.

Before Shane and the group got a hair closer, Technoblade swooped in right next to Bad, crossing his arms over his chest and tilting his head up to assert dominance. Doing his classing intimidation tactic by stopping a bit ahead, covering Bad not by his body but by his demeanour.

"Are these men causing you trouble, Bad?"

BadBoyHalo snapped back to reality, puzzled and highly conscious of his surroundings. Green eyes frantically glancing back and forth between Technoblade and his former acquaintance, Shane - better known as [NAME REDACTED by author].

"What, Bad knows us! We're practically best brothers!" One of the guys, Josh who David recognized, exclaimed through pearl white teeth. His grin was wide, almost shark-like with a forked tongue that subtly unnerved David. If he didn't know better, he would've believed the words he said for nothing in his expression betrayed the lie he was spewing.

Technoblade narrowed his eyes, raising a brow with a grunt, "Right, sure." he managed before grabbing Bad by the wrist, his grip tight but not enough to hurt. "Anyways, Bad and I need to take our leave-"

"Wait, I recognize you from the posters!" another voice spoke aloud, a finger pointing at the pink-haired man with an indescribable expression. "Yeah... yeah! Shane, it's the knight you were talking about. The one you're planning to overthrow. Technodame, right?"

Techno felt his eyebrow twitch, hiding his amusement under his mask of poker face. Tanner, the one with all brawns but no brains, said which caused Shane to back up. "The Technoblade?"

"In flesh and blood." The said man muttered, heavily disinterested in engaging with this topic.

Great, well, clearly he did not expect this outcome. Technoblade hoped for a much appropriate meeting, somewhere where he was coming down from above with a shield and a sword, all grace and glory like he always thought for an epic entrance.

But noo, here he was with his name being butchered in a mix with the word: dame.

Technoblade, wanting no more but to walk out, loosen his hold from Bad's wrist and instead intertwined their fingers together, holding it close like it was a relic to behold. He didn't miss the way Shane's eyes glanced at them, zeroing unto the hands as if it were a creeper ready to explode.

"Woah! What's with all the tense air around here boys?" David has never felt so grateful for his friend's way of breaking ice. All five glanced towards the source of the voice, finding Philza in all his glory. Besides the blond was Tommy with a confused yet guarded expression if the slight twitch of his eyebrows were anything to go by. "Is there any problem?" The question was more for David than for the others, he knows this judging from the way Phil's icy blue eyes met his.

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