(01) BadBoyHalo

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David, known as Technoblade, woke up that day feeling exhilarated. It obviously had nothing to do with the event that was going to be held that day. Totally not that. 

The young man stretched his arms out before standing right at his window to take a look at what's happening in the outside world. It was a whole new day at Munvadxel lands. He could see the way the sunrays have stretched across the village from his palace.  

Wait, did he get that right? A palace? Pfft— no! Well, yeah... his palace. Technoblade was the kingdom's best and never dying warrior. People had even gone as far as to worship him like a god with them saying, "Blood for the blood god!"

The said man has gone as far as defeating the Enderdragon that almost destroyed the kingdom over seven years ago. So in return, the villagers decided to build him a palace of his own. He was almost royalty, wasn't he?

David ran a hand through his pink dyed hair as he made his way to start his day. When he exited his palace, he started his journey throughout the town, heading straight for the hub where combatants, such as himself, take quests in exchange for money. However, today was a different day for the people who are considered heroes. Every two months, the hosts organize an event where heroes are either going to be randomly paired up or have chosen pairs for class S or A missions. Whoever finishes the task within the top three, would be able to acquire larger amounts of money. 

This day, it was the former. Now, this wasn't the only reason David got hyped up for the day. He heard from a certain source that he was going to get paired up with Skeppy. A grin has appeared on his face when he thought about how he was going to finally get to show the "Diamond" boy that it would be him who's going to stay #1 in the leaderboard and how he was only going to get 2nd place. It had always been like this; the professional rivalry the whole village awaits. 

Ahh, wouldn't it be satisfying to show off who's the king?

As he was about to enter the hub, Technoblade was greeted by Vikkstar. "Techno! You excited to show Skeppy who's boss?" With the most shit-eating grin he could muster, the pink-haired man laughed.

"Totally." He answered in which he was replied with a sly smirk coming from his ex-teammate.

"Have fun then," Vikk waved and left. It left Techno a little bit confused but he shrugged it off, he still needs to take a closer look at the announcement board for the awaiting news. 

It was crowded inside the local hub, but that was never a problem for the king. People who saw him always made a path for him to walk on, the only ones who do not follow are his friends and fellow heroes in the top ten leaderboards. 

David was excited. Hyped! Adrenaline was already running through his veins at the thought of keeping his number one spot in the solo board. It was his very own pride, legacy, and reputation to brag.

Walking closer, he squinted his eyes to get a better view. There, written on the board as team number 3. The glint in his eyes sparked off, his grin has slowly turned down and his brows began to furrow together. On the board, written in bright yellow, bold letters: was his and his partner's nickname. 

[Team 3]
Technoblade and Badboyhalo

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