(65) A Saviour's Downfall

516 39 54

//TW violence, injuries, character's death

Okay, bear with me, alright? It's been so long since I've written an action scene. I'm gonna sit here and do my best to write it while you guys sit or lay or stand there and try to read through the cringe. Deal? A'ight, here we go.

 Please, please, I hope y'all write something, I want some reactions!!!


Dirt and pebbles pushed to the sides as each step of his dark boots hit the ground creating a loud thump thump thump but not louder than the beating in his heart and the pounding in his head. The buzzing noise had morphed into cruel laughter, the trembling in his veins had him seeing nothing but red.

Technoblade lunged over a fallen log, his instincts screaming at him to reach a sword, every cell in his body berating him for doing such a poor job at failing the only light he had encountered in his life. He stopped, quick eyes scanning the surroundings around him, observing every little detail that could tell him where Bad had gone. He's for sure that Bad is not at the palace, so that could only leave him to trail the path in which the brunette would most likely take towards there and find clues from there.

The pink-haired man squints around, huffing out a breath when he found the trail he needed. A few feet from him were a pair of footprints, trailing off the path and headed towards one of the nearest grown out fields. Technoblade went off in a sprint once again, not daring himself to take a break until he finds Bad.

The voices in his head lessen, his vision cleared and soon he caught sight of two figures far ahead, stone swords out and growling at each other like tigers fighting for their meal. Technoblade slowed down, he could feel his chest rapidly rising and falling, rough intake of air leaving him high on adrenaline.

"You're wrong!" Bad sneered, "Skeppy taking me away from that demented place was the most blessed thing he has ever done for me, and I will not let you walk over my best friend's decision like that."

The swords clashed in tandem giving Technoblade little time to react and reach conclusions despite his brain going haywire at the obvious missing component at the scene. He gritted his teeth, willing his body to move once again in hopes he won't be too late into the fight. Where's the other one? His mind supplies, brown eyes scanning in every direction as his legs power him through in each kick he boosts himself with.

There, at the far right of his peripheral, he saw a glint of silver at a distance. The man clenched his teeth knowing that there wasn't enough time to route himself towards Tanner who he knew was very much charging an arrow's power. A direct hit with a powered-up bow was for sure to take away someone's six HP of health.

Forcing himself to speed up, it was no surprise that despite the loud steps of his boots, neither party were still prepared for his arrival due to their concentrated efforts. Afar, the sound of bow firing filled his ears and whilst calculating the distance between him and Bad, Technoblade decided to tackle the brunette from the side, thankfully reaching him first before the arrow found its target's head.


The hero successfully pushed Bad aside before a numbing pain of something penetrating through flesh caught up to his nerves. Technoblade grunted as they both rolled off to the side, using his arms to cushion Bad's head to help lessen the impact of the ground.

When the pair has stopped reeling off the rocky patch of dirt, Technoblade grinned down at Bad that more likely came out as a grimace. "Hey, am I late to the party?" He tried to get up before winced and easing to the side instead, rolling off of Bad with a hiss, careful of the arrow that's sticking out at his lower right side.

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