(41) Progress

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Pardon for the way I write... my words may have jumbled up from writing a certain project that involves such words. QwQ

This is pretty short btw, just a lil' something, y'know?


Three weeks have passed after that emotional roller coaster of a wrecked train. All the shattered hearts spilt tears, and jarred hopes. All of those seemed to have been worth it at the end. Fragmented hearts? Put those pieces in a bad they have a glue ready for use. Those tears? Cheer up sweetie make sure to drink plenty to replenish them. Scarred hopes? That's alright. We'll make a new one and make it better; All of those for presence-sharing, lingering touches and loving gazes.

Three weeks have passed; Technoblade had never felt so ecstatic in his black and white of not-so scripted world. The pair managed to agree on one thing after that faithful day. They both agreed on taking it slow--and if Techno is going to be truthful? He's just so glad that he gets the chance to call BadBoyHalo his.

The first week started by them meeting up by a park. The air had an awkward tension in whilst they both silently sat on the bench with a distance not too close nor too far as events from yesterday haunted their head. It wasn't when David had caught sight of a duck waddling towards the pond with two of its ducklings tailing close did the tension slowly waver off. He told Darryl about the ducks who yelped and practically fanboy-ed. They both hastily made way over the-now-swimming birds, and from then on, they engaged on the topic of how cute the ducks were to their fun childhood stories to their adventures.

It was a slow start yet was also necessary for a gentle build-up.

The second week, the two had moderately slotted in each other's times. Techno would walk Bad to his volunteer-job before heading off to practice with the guys, no matter how many times BBH had told him that he didn't need to, the pink-haired hero insisted on escorting him home. During their walk, they would always stop by for a quick food stall, take detours around a park, and simply bond together with simple talks. Favourite colour, food, animal; eventful quests, the adventures... and by the end of the day, it leaves them both feeling contented. 

Not only that, but the senses last for days. It was like David was riding on cloud 9, always looking forward after a quick practice or chore to go over and pick Darryl up either from the library or elementary. While he talks with his peers, the only thing that ever comes out of his mouth was how the brunette was this and that, how he was charming, beautiful, and kind. 

"Damn dude. You really got it bad, huh?" Wilbur once said with amusement written his eyes.

Jschlatt chortled, "If I didn't know better, I would say you're obsessed and creepy."

Technoblade made a face, squinting his eyes at the couple who snickers at him. "I'd say the same about you guys." was his response, face falling into a straight face. 

As if getting the clue, they backed off, sweat-dropping with nervous smiles. "When are you guys announcing it to the village?" The man with wavy brown hair changed the topic to get his good friend off the mindset of picking out his sword. It seemingly worked since the next thing they knew, the man was already overthinking the answer. 

It was something that had been brought up multiple times, whether or not should they announce it to the public. Normally it wouldn't really matter, but everything about his status of being one of the greatest knight as well as having a potential of being a king... it really begs to differ. The public doesn't know but it wasn't like they were keeping it a secret either.

Technoblade sighed running a hand through his bubblegum pink locks. "Do we really have to?" he's mainly worried on what BadBoyHalo would think. The brunette doesn't really like too much attention and it's quite understandable why he would get some in the first place. "I guess... I don't know. I'm gonna have to check in with him first." And with that, Wil nodded his head in understanding.

Jonathan stood up, rolling his shoulders as he rounded up David with a smirk of his own. "How about this then, if you had an iron nugget for every time you think of him, how many will you have?"

With a beat, Techno clicked his tongue before a grin of his own breaks through his stoic facade. In his deep, bass-level voice, he answered.

"I'll only have one since he never leaves my mind." 

And with that being said, the pink-head took a glance over the hanging clock, bidding his friends a goodbye and leaving them astound.

By the third week, Technoblade practically lives in Bad's house already from how much he had stayed over. When the first time the brunette invited him for the night, they both had done nothing else but eat dinner and share stories. The pink-haired hero had first opted on sleeping in the living room for the first three nights until the brunette had told him that it was alright to sleep with him considering the bed was large enough to fit two people. 

The progress was really going well. They'll lay awake; have late night talks; and ridicule their friends (in a joking way) until they both fall asleep, with faint smiles on their faces and wake up to find themselves cuddling together. 

It even made David think about asking Darryl to move in with him in the palace... maybe in another time. For now, all he needed was there with him. Sure, they haven't kissed nor said the three words. It was okay, there's no rush. Not when they're slowly but surely building and gaining each other's trusts. 

Nobody had to say it out loud because it was already clear as a crystal. They fall in love deeper with each moment that passes.

This is like my version of, "yeah, sex is cool but..." -have you ever had late night talks, hold someone's hand, and just have a moment with them?

Anyhows, make sure that you guys vote cause it really means a lot and shows whether a chapter was worth it or not. ÒwÓ

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