(27) Arrow Dodge!

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You'd be surprised at what encouraging does to someone.

As for those who are wondering... no. They wouldn't necessarily hit each other with a sharp, pointy arrow. In this game, the blades are replaced with tomatoes! :D for safety reasons as well as because... tomatoes can mimic a sound of splat and red liquid. 


Arrow Dodge. This was it, this is his time to shine. Techno thought as he subtly glanced at the brunet by his side. This was it... it's his time to prove to all those haters out there that he wasn't some the black-sheep of the team. 

Just when they were about to go out on the elevated platform, the pink-haired man swiped the brunet to the side to get a chance to talk to him. Holding Darryl by the elbows, brown eyes stared directly at the other's pool greens. Nodding his head, David began.

"Listen Bad, this will be your game. You're good at archery—"

Bad furrowed his brows, squinting his eyes behind the silver frames. 

"They're also good at archery. We all grew up at Munchy, remember?" 

Technoblade shook his head; his hold tightening a bit to give the brunet a shake.

"You can do this. I've seen your skills, BadBoyHalo. I know you can do this."


"No buts! I believe in you." 

Bad opened his mouth to protest but immediately closed it back. Instead, he let out cheery grin and a nod. "We got this," the brunet spoke and Techno couldn't help but smile back. Nodding at each other once more, the pair finally moved on and stepped unto the arena.

When they stepped on, David paid no mind at the loud chatter around them, focusing on his opponents actions. Standing on his position between Phil and William at the front, both Darryl and Tommy stood behind in between them. 

Same went for the other team, George stood at the centre amid Dream and Sapnap while Sylvee and Eret stood behind the space between the three. Observant with his eyes, Technoblade noticed the silent communication that was happening among Sapnap and GeorgeNotFound. They were subtly peeking at Bad from behind his shoulder. 

Guess they're also wary about their friend's skills... the player with pink hair began formulating a plan. Try guessing who's he's going to have to take out first.

The crowd hushed down when the loud, blaring number came up from above the screen. The countdown started. Techno glanced back again, over at his fanboy blond. He noticed the sweat forming on the younger player's forehead, understood that the pressure's suddenly starting to making him nervous. Tommy met his eyes and he took this as the chance to encourage the boy.

"You can do this." 

David mouthed before glancing back, content to have the other's confidence boosted up; the timer already at 2... 1... The buzzer went off and the first arrow came up, to the surface near their lane.

Philza went ahead to grab it; by the time he knocked the arrow, the other team has already dispersed. Making large spaces from each other. Same for team 2, Wilbur called out. "Spread out!" By the farthest right, BadBoyHalo stood a meter away from the blond whilst Tommy goes to the corner left. 

Releasing the arrow from his hold, Ph1LzA tried to his Eret whom he deems to be cornered. Unfortunately for him, the guy dodged the shot and jumped to the side. 

Another arrow popped up the surface near the dream team's lane. George being the one who catch it. Drawing the string of his bow, the male aimed straight at the brunet by the right. Phil moved away thinking that it was headed for him when in reality, it went pass his form. David was about to call out for the green-eyed male when he noticed the boy tucked and roll out of the harm's way, going straight at the centre. 

"You muffin!"

Bad called out in which all he received back was laughter from the other team. Hiding the amused smile off his face, Techno was a little bit glad and warmed up at the sight that Bad and his friends were mostly on fooling terms. 

"Sorry Baaad!" Sapnap snickered. 

Whilst all of this happened, the following minutes occurred faster the travel of sound. Tommy managed to grab a hold of a newly spawned arrow and aimed it directly at Dream. By the last second, the green-hooded male was able to notice the oncoming hit and dived to his left to dodge. Unbeknownst to him, Sylvee was actually right behind, directly at the tomatoes' way. 

Sylvee OUT

It managed to hit her on the shoulder causing the fruit to splat and spread its colour all over her shirt. Fist bumping the air, the young player excitedly jumped. "Yes! Just killed a woman, feeling good!" The rest of the group sweat dropped. Wilbur was about to warn the young blond when...

TommyInnit OUT

The rest of the crowd's eyes all went to the player with shades on. Eret, with his smug looking face - smirked. Team 2 could hear their youngest member cursing by the stands, yelling profanities at the one who shot him.

"Language!" Bad called over while getting the arrow nocked. 

Jogging to the side to give the brunet a clear view, Bad went ahead and directly aimed it at his beloved friend, George. Before anything happened, Sapnap was already freaking out, loudly shouting for everyone to spread out.

It was an amusing scene to watch from Technoblade's perspective. He could clearly see the other team's limbs tensing, ready jump at any given chance. Loosening his hold, the arrow whizzed over, unfortunately barely missing his target. 

Visibly seeing the other team relaxes, Technoblade took a few steps back to fit himself in a spacious spot, not wanting to corner himself. This time, it was Dream who was able to grab a hold of the magical tomato. 

The masked man with blond hair pulled the bowstring in full length before releasing; it being the arrow travelling at the speed of light, giving little to no chance of Wilbur being able to escape it. 

WilburSoot OUT

The_Eret OUT


GeorgeNotFound OUT

The hits continuously came, Phil being the one to hit Eret while also getting tagged out by George whom in turn got strikeout by David.

By this point of the game, the arrows' spawn time has also quickened, not pausing for any build up anymore. Sapnap swiftly snatched the arrow off ground and focused it on his muffin loving friend. As to Bad, however, being a pro handler of bows, knew the knick and tricks behind it.

Technoblade was just behind the brunet, expecting for the latter to move to the left. Unfortunately for him, the green-eyed male did not moved neither left nor right. What the brown-haired male did was jump as high as he could with his legs spreading causing the arrow to slip below him.

The whole arena's jaw dropped at the rarest dodge they've seen since forever. Even Techno had his eye wide open, only blinking to notice that he was now much further from the brunet. That was when the pink-haired player finally noticed he got hit out.

The bold letters highlighted above: Technoblade OUT to announce around the arena.

"Wha— wait, how—" Techno began wanting to protest when he felt a tap in his shoulder and looked to the side to see Wilbur pointing at his shoe. Squinting his oak-brown eyes, Technoblade saw the familiar red tomato stain on his shoe.

He got fucking hit on the foot. When Darryl jumped up, the arrow went below, and with David being distracted... well, that's when the arrow kissed his shiny black shoes.

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Guys, guys,, broooss duudess, dudettes! Once this book reach 1k votes, does that mean I'm officially the captain of the TechHalo/HaloBlade ship??? :00


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