(59) After Him

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Sooo let's go and weeeaaaaveee through the checkpoints


One whip for "disobedience"

One whip for "being late"

One whip for "talking back"

One whip for "being weak"

Another, and another, and another. Some lines overlapped the others whilst some remains farther from the rest. David couldn't seem to erase the image from his mind, a scarred back, bare and abused.

That night, he held Darryl close in his arms, silently listening to the faint heartbeat matching with his. It was new and weird. Not the bad version per se, but it was still odd for the pink-haired man to lay there, chest flushed on his lover's back, absentmindedly carding his hand through Darryl's brown hair. It was domestic in a way Technoblade never thought he'll experience. It was nice, really nice.

"Oh, Technooo!" a voice with an accent called out, oddly cheerful than usual. The pink-haired man straightened his back, suddenly too keen on his surroundings when moments ago he was out searching in his mind for the recent memories.

Listening to a pair of footsteps as they get close, he gave a half-hearted - maybe awkward - smile for the blond. He dreaded this, oh gosh, no one has any idea how badly Technoblade wanted to jump out of the nearest possible window. Hell, if he only had an enderpearl with him at the moment, he would've flung it straight up and away.

The pink-haired man ducked his head, chewing at the inside of his cheek when he felt his face heating up in embarrassment. He'd seen this side of Phil before. He was there when the blond gave the exact same teasing expression to Wilbur, wanting to give the Brit a good ol' shovel talk.

It was at that moment that a man's face could absolutely turn into a full red tomato. Jschlatt was the living proof of that along with a less red yet still hot pink-faced Wilbur Soot. And now... oh gods, it's his turn, isn't it?

Judging by the playful glint on the blond's mischievous smile, he knows it certainly was.

The hero suddenly stood up, "Oh, look at the time!" he loudly announced despite not looking at any clock, silently cursing himself for forgetting the golden watch back in the palace. "Well, boys, I'm afraid that I'll have to excuse-" he tried, he really did. Tried his best to manoeuver around Tommy who he didn't even notice came in with Phil, solely focused on trying to escape the latter.

"Now, hold on just a minute, we haven't even started and you're already leaving?"

Technoblade was held back and- damn his coat. Damn his perfectly scarlet king's coat for being the reason he was forced to sit back down. Why does he even bother wearing the goshdamn thing? This is why heroes shouldn't wear capes! This is exactly the reason why nobody should advocate for wearing such clothing!

It is to escape the impending 'sex talk' you know that the father of the friend group was eager to have. To escape the embarrassment of being meddled, teased or whatever.

Sure, it wasn't like he and Bad actually did the horizontal tango, but Techno sensed that the talk he and Bad had was something more intimate than whatever else dance positions there are in the lands. So, knowing that he didn't do the do while the others are convinced he did was tragically more embarrassing for him.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Techno held a hand up. They weren't even having a conversation and he already felt exhausted. "Okay, first of all, we didn't do whatever you think we did."

Philza smirked along a raised brow, cheeky amusement hinting at his face when he let go of Techno's coat to cross his arms over his chest.

"What? There's no need to be ashamed, people shag around all the time."

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