(04) Hidden...

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After the notorious fight between the mobs, the pair had gathered all the useful loot they could get under the rain that mercilessly got harder as the seconds' tick by. Once they did this, Techno took it to himself to navigate through the wet forest until they came across an empty cave. 

Going inside, Darryl took out a torch from his bag, lighting it open so they could at least have a little bit of light inside the somewhat small yet spacious enough cave. After making sure that the place was free of spawners, David had burrowed the light and started working on a campfire for larger heat given that the torch wouldn't be able to provide enough flame to last them through the night. It would've been okay for the two to travel all through the night to get to their destination if it wasn't raining cats and dogs outside. Besides, his teammate looked like he could get a quick rest.

"Aha!" David cheered when the flame started growing, eventually lighting up the whole cave for them to see clearly. He heard quick claps behind him making him take a glance over his shoulder to see Darryl with his hood down, a bright smile on his lips, clapping in joy.

Backing up, David ran a hand through his damp hair, relieved that the cold had started seeping off his body. His bright brown eyes reflecting the colour of the dancing orange life in the room. These same eyes watched closely to see the male with blonde-brown hair walked from his right before taking a seat, a meter away from David's left. 

Darryl looked like a sad, wet puppy. He was visibly shaking due to his wet hoodie that did no help to keep the cold away. David tilted his head as he observed how the other hugged himself for comfort, rubbing his hands together to get what little body heat his hand could make.

A minute had passed when Darryl noticed David staring. He glanced over to the boy who quickly turned his gaze away. It was kinda awkward for David to get caught since he wasn't the best at confrontations. 

He heard a nervous chuckle from his left. "Uhh... Techno?" Bad called out to him.

Techno looked over with a raised brow, he now finds the other fiddling with his thumbs, a very common nervous tic.


Bad looked up, it was then had Techno realized how green the male's eyes are. It contrasted a bit against the flamelight, making it look like its glowing from the boy's face. 

"I have an extra shirt inside my bag and I—... if you could, like, try not to look at this way for three minutes?" 

By this, the pink head realized what the other was inclining on. He raised his hands up in a surrender gesture, "Yeah, sure. I'm going to look away, alright?" Bad smiled at this, he nodded.

As if on cue, Techno turned his body so his back was now facing Bad. Fiddling with his coat's ends, the shadow did no help to ease with the unfamiliar emotion at the pit of his stomach. The outline of Bbh's shadow clearly shows him taking off his black hoodie.

David gulped. He counted in his head as he listened to Darryl fumbling through his knapsack for the shirt. He then proceeded to listen closely when the latter finally found the item he had been looking for.

The three minutes are up inside his head so the pink head thought that the brunette must've been done. Slowly, moving only his upper body, he twisted himself around to check on the man.

Right then, David wasn't sure which of the reasons he should be surprised; is it because of his flawed calculations of three minutes? or was it the fact that Darryl had scars littered throughout his back? David wasn't sure how long he had stared at the red lines but he was sure that he had turned his back once again just in time when Darryl put on the shirt.  

"You can look now." Ah, there was the call. If only Technoblade had listened earlier... 

The said male's train of thoughts got cut off when he saw Darryl in a plain white shirt that was bigger than his frame. He caught on to him muttering something about Dream lending him the shirt because he forgot to bring one himself. The shirt had exposed a bit of area on the top side, revealing the brunette's milky white neck in which David, once again, caught himself staring at.

He pried his eyes away from the other's m̶a̶r̶k̶a̶b̶l̶e̶ neck and tried to find other interesting thing to look at. This is when something familiar caught his attention. It was the same faded scars he had seen earlier but instead on the back, it was littered along Darryl's arms. The brunette seemed to notice him staring because he quickly crossed his arms, trying to hide the scars from him. Was this why he insisted on wearing the long-sleeved hoodie in hotter days?

The pink head but his bottom lip, instead of prying, Techno just gave him a smile and leaned his back against the stone wall. Bad sighed in relief and copied Techno's action— also leaning against the wall. Since the shirt was wider than his usual, he shuffled his arms around until he successfully got both of it inside the white shirt. Silence soon had covered the two, it was somewhat comfortable, with only the sound of fire crackling and pouring rain as their background noises. 

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