(02) Innocence in its Purest Form

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It was probably because he got cheated on. Probably the reason why he feels so irritated. David glanced back at his partner, Darryl - otherwise known as Badboyhalo - who was fiddling with the strap of his brown bag, eyes trained to the path he's walking on. His silver glasses neatly placed at the bridge of his nose. The pink-haired boy ripped his gaze away from the other, complexed by the situation.

Back at the hub, he was confused and mad. Confused because he thought it was Skeppy he was going to be paired up and mad that Vikkstar had straight up lied to him. That's why the man was so smug. It was actually him who's partnered up with Skeppy, not Techno.

Speaking of the Diamond boy, after he had seen the teams, Skeppy stormed down to him with a serious look. The whole people in the hub froze, both intrigued and afraid at the scene happening. Skeppy has his grip on Techno's scarlet hued coat and in a slightly hushed yet hissing tone, the former spoke,

"Now let's get one thing straight here Technoblade," he hissed in a warning tone, "Bad will be in your safety for god knows how long, and by the time he gets back here, I don't wanna see a single scratch on him, do you hear?"

David had to squint his eyes, looking more disbelieved than before, "Wha— Skeppy, we'll be doing a class S mission. How can you expect Badboyhalo wouldn't get hurt—?"

Zak ignored him as he practically shook him by his own coat. "Are we cleeeeaaarrr???" He made sure to drag the last word for emphasis. Having no other choice, David just gave in at the other's weird antics making the shorter male let go and went back as if nothing had happened.

"Techno, hold up!"

David heard Darryl called out from behind, pulling him out from his flashback. He halted his steps and glanced back to see the other male crouched over a flower, admiring a blue butterfly on a poppy. This released a sigh from the taller male, for a second, he thought the other was calling out to him for help.

So far, their trip had been... uneventful. Quiet. This took Techno a little bit off guard considering BBH was known for being talkative and always wanting to be under the spotlight. Watching the said male now, it amazes Techno how much of a child he can act. The way he was so mesmerized about the tiny butterfly on the red flower was a bit of a fresh sight to Techno. Techno who was almost always surrounded by either violence or oogling villagers. Never had a much of peace because of his constant wandering and taking quests, and because staying in his gorgeous yet lonely palace by himself was boring. Something that displays pure and innocence... this was something new to him.

David's oak brown eyes softened at the sight. By this point, Darryl already had his notepad out, sketching the outline for both the butterfly and the flower. However, this small peaceful silence was disturbed when he spotted a bright green, hissing creeper just a few meters away from the said boy.

"Bad, watch out!"

Using his instincts, Techno ran behind the crouched man and took his sword out, using it as a shield and blocking the creeper's explosion, his health going down for a tiny bit.

"Oh my goodness! Be careful you muffin!" Bad exclaimed.

The brunette had toppled forward, he pushed his notepad and pen back inside his bag and with the help of Techno, he got up, brushing his dirt-covered pants.

"Pay attention around you, Badboyhalo."

Was all Techno replied with when the pair noticed the sky turning grey, figuring out that the rain would come soon.

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