(20) Curiosity of a Young Mind

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2 days before the event, team 2 went ahead and did a little practise in what they were good at as well as some serious training in the things they're not. Badboyhalo, Tommyinnit, and Wilbur Soot went ahead and trained for the parkour round whilst Technoblade and Philza sparred in a close-combat battle. 

So far, they were doing a great job if David says it himself. If it were any other battles, he would've rarely cared about the team's score/placement even though it is what's being used for giving out prizes. Normally, the pink head would instead focus on maintaining his number one spot. That is what his go-to goals are after all. 

Though this time it's different. There are two members in his group that he wants to make feel accomplished. One was someone he was interested in whilst the other one was a young mind. He and his friends decided to make sure their first tournament is a blast. 

Tommyinnit got hopes. Techno would give him that. The young teen got a spark in his blue eyes that overshadowed his youth and potential, and if teaming up with him would give the kid the boost he needs for the future, then who was he to deny that wish? After all, they needed more people like him. 

A day before the event, Technoblade, Philza, and Wilbur had just finished training for both parkour and water drop. All of them were now heading to get a quick check at their other two teammates whom told them were going to practise with archery.

Going up the stone path, the pink-haired hero's ears caught a telltale sound of a conversation; Philza was the one who motioned for them to crouch. Ducking down he slowed his pace off to make sure his foot wouldn't step on anything that could create a halt at the current conversation they're hearing. 

"...See? And that's how you strike down a moving object." It was Bad's voice, Techno familiarised. Gentle and kind, just like the owner himself.

By this point, the three adults were all huddled up behind the stone fence. Unashamedly eavesdropping at the pairs' conversation. Gosh did they feel ridiculous; like a couple of teenagers spying on a victim of their pranks. 

"Hm... I see."

This time it was Tommy who spoke. His obvious accent and high pitched voice gave it away. The blond kid continued,

"Maybe that's the reason why Technoblade wanted you in the team so bad."

The sound of coughing came after the blond's statement. Bad choked, "W—what?"

On the other side of the fence, Technoblade's eyes widened. Holy shit, this kid was going to out him! The pink head felt a nudge on his left side. He narrowed his eyes at his brown-haired friend who has a teasing smile on his lips, slapping him on the arm.

"The kid found you out dude," Wil snickered. Techno reacted by also giving his friend a push on the shoulder. The two continued to shove at each other like little schoolboys until Philza has to shut them up with a glare. He made a hushing gesture and motioned back towards the voices at the other side of the fence.

By now, Darryl has recovered from his extensive coughing, waving a hand dismissively at the young blond.

"I'm sure Techno-muffin have his reasons."

"Muffin eh?" Came a teasing smirk from Wilbur as he continuously poke at the pink-haired hero's side. The latter brushed him off, rolling his eyes as if the sweet nickname didn't affect him. He didn't show many reactions from the outside though he was actually grinning like an idiot on the inside.

Tommy's voice caught their ears like a broken bell. A lace of suspicion is evident in it. "Why are you being so casual about it? You were personally chosen by Technoblade! He insisted on putting you in this team!"

"Well what about you, huh? You know... I was there when you begged the moderators to let you join team 2."

Flustered at the sudden knowledge that Bad knows what he had done, the teenage boy pointed a finger at himself, "What I did was justifiable. What he did was confusing! Why did he want a nobody like you anyway??" Ow... okay.

"Like, do you know who he is? He's the unbeatable god that feasts on the enemies' blood"- not really, - "the greatest hero that has beaten over a million monsters! And don't you dare forget - the enderdragon!" 

The young boy spoke in a gleeful tone with sparkles evident in his eyes as he talked about his idol. BadboyHalo faintly smiled at his expression. 

"See? That's why I had to beg so I could have him sign my bow and show it to my friend Tubbo!" Tommy grins. "I also brought his wooden sword so Technoblade could sign it. I promised it to him after all." The last statement was spoken in a rather low tone as if reminiscing a fond memory.

This made the brunet give the short boy a pat on the head. "I understand, I'll go and tell him to sign it for you." 

The blond pulled his lips into a frown at this, "No, I'll do it. I can fucking do a simple—"

BadBoyHalo gasped. A tad bit dramatic. "Language!" he chastised the younger hero-to-be.

Tommy's jaw slackened, eyebrows raised, "What— I'm not a fucking kid! I can curse all I want bitch boy!" He practically yelled at the brunet - in which Techno took this as the cue to show himself. They weren't going to get any more juicy gossips from them arguing whether swear words are available or not.

When the pink-haired hero stood up, both of his friends did as well.

"We're back," the former called out. His acting levels are on a 10/10 as he approached his two teammates. David then faced the green-eyed male after standing next to Tommy. "Have he been causing you troubles?" he asked with his usual monotone look. The pink-haired man eyed the way the brunet scratch the back of his neck with a nervous chortle whilst the blond's gaze dropped down to his shoes. 

Then Darryl answered, "Nooo... I just taught him how to aim at moving objects," he pointed over to the hanging targets that swayed aimlessly by the wind. "He's a fast learner," he added and this made David hummed in agreement. Lifting up a hand, he gently placed it on top of Tommy's head and ruffled the blond locks. This caused the latter to look up at him with slight annoyance.

Although, before he could even speak a protest, Technoblade has beaten him to it. "You did a job well done." He complimented the young boy; a smile accompanying his features to show he means his words. 

Tommyinnit was just lost off his own words and it looks like the pink head failed to notice the small smile that came upon the brunet's face. 

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