(28) Cheers!~

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Sometimes, giving someone a little push is enough.


Sapnap OUT

Techno pried his attention away from his coated shoe. No use in dwelling in the past he guesses. Focusing his gaze back up, the pink-haired felt his heart loudly pounding against his chest. All that was left in the platform was Dream - who was already getting his arrow nocked - and Bad whose gloved fingers already twitching in anticipation.

"Oh, it's over. We're fucked!" Besides him, Tommy loudly complained while crossing his arms. 

The young player already admitted defeat even though they hadn't lost yet. Eyebrows knitting at the younger blonde's attitude, David held his tongue when he noticed a sliver of hope appearing in the kid's eyes.

Without admitting it out loud, Tommy was silently hoping that Darryl would be able to somehow pull this off. He's seen the brunette's knowledge in archery. Heck, he was taught by the man!

What did catch Techno's attention though were the loud defeated sighs of the people in the crowd. They had already given up, losing hope, rolling their eyes in annoyance.

"He won't be able to defeat Dream. This is the end." One said.

"I feel bad for team 2; they had to carry him only to end up losing." Another random spoke, not even trying to hide the disappointed look on their face.

"Yeah, what a bummer," another replied.

David's hands curled up into fists - biting the inside of his cheek to keep himself from lashing out at the oblivious people. They didn't know. How could they have known? They were never there, to begin with.

When the whole team was feeling down, Bad had given out his optimistic views and cheerful smile, hyping out the whole squad as well as comforting them whenever one made a mistake. During the break, the brunet had even made his way to give all of them a snack, saying how stamina always helps. How whenever they finish a particularly hard game, the brown-haired male would always ask how's everyone's holding up, checking in to see if they're okay, comforting them, and giving them a cheer.

He's always the one who gives out the support... the one to be optimistic and infect everyone around him with smiles and positiveness...

Who does he have? 

If he's the one who keeps giving out his optimism...

Does he still have any left for himself?

If he goes all out just to show the whole squad his support then...

Does he feel any support? 

The realisation struck Technoblade like lightning. The current situation the brunet currently have. Sharpening his ears, the pink-haired can't help but feel his heartbreak at what he had tuned out. Everyone, the whole crowd, viewers, watchers—whatever the fuck they wanna call them have nothing else out of their mouths instead of doubts, booing, and defeated looks.

Does he have no one? ... That can't be left that way. It's just not right.

Fists clenched by his sides, the young man made up his mind. Pushing his way through the fellow players who are now spectators, David grabbed an empty seat and stood upon it. Unclenching his fists, the pink head cupped his hands around his mouth - and with the loudest, intense, and head-turning volume he could muster, the hero screamed his support.


The loudness of a familiar voice had caught all the stadium's attention. This includes the remaining players within the platform. Finding that the arrow had been held for long, behind the mask, Dream let out an amused grin.

"Take home the bacon?"

The brunet giggled, his body already prepared for any sudden hits. You see, growing up with the blonde man had made Bad learn so much about his friend. Knowing Dream, the guy's all good for aiming and hitting... But one's the positions are switched - he isn't that good of a dodger.

With his weapon lined up, Dream loosened his hold on the string.

Technoblade watched in awe as time seemed to slow down at the very moment of the event. He watched as the brunet took another alternative move, opting this time for a duck.

Running forward, Darryl crouched and slid below the passing arrow from above. Whilst he slid, his gloved hand already poised and as soon as a newly spawn arrow popped out, he wasted no time nocking it in his bow. Standing up just before he crossed the enemy's line, emerald green eyes squinted and focused at his only target ahead, who in turn, was already running sideways.

"You're over, Dream."

The hooded man sighed,

"I kno—"

Dream OUT

There was a beat of silence; at that moment, Technoblade could see the exact seconds' Dream got teleported off the platform, leaving Bad as the last man standing on it.

The latter dropped the bow, eyes blown wide with a shocked expression. Stepping back, Darryl turned around and instantly met the brown eyes he's been looking forward to seeing in the stands.

And then... a slow smile painted over his face.


Tommy ran to the platform with arms raised and a proud look all over his face. The rest of the crowd recovered from the shock, cheers and celebration echoing amongst them as other players began running over the elevated stage to congratulate the brunette.

With his heart rapidly beating inside his chest, the pink head managed to move his body once again. Stepping off the chair and trusting his feet to take him wherever he's meant to go.

Pushing against the sea of giddy players, Techno was able to reach the middle where he saw Bad letting go of Tommy from a hug. When the brunette finally saw him, BBH turned away from the young blond and opened his arms to welcome an embrace.

David wasted not even a nanosecond in running towards his POG teammate. Grabbing the brunette by his hips, the pink-haired hero lifted the latter up with a wide grin. Darryl yelped in surprise from suddenly getting hoisted but when he saw the proud grin on David he couldn't help but laugh along. Putting his hands on the pink head's shoulders, the brunet continued to giggle as David began to spin them around in celebration.

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