(63) Why Don't We Just Talk?

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Read the end notes for more info about War of Hearts as a whole! :D


A knock on the door took a sigh from Technoblade as he hauled himself off his table and answer whoever's behind the insistent taps. He knew that it wasn't Dream nor Skeppy because they had already planned ahead to meet up by the town's square. Grumbling, the hero took one last look towards the stairs to check if Bad was ready before answering the door.

Surprise, not-so surprised, Techno nodded in greeting to his blond friend. "Philza," the hero opened the door wide, not planning on inviting the older male in for they're about to leave at any moment anyway.

"Techno, do you have any idea how many days it had been since-" Philza started but soon stopped when he noticed the man's new brand of red coat but a different shade of pants. The blond blinked, taking in his friend's stance. "I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?"

Technoblade shrugged. He glanced back behind him before leaning by the doorway, "No, but in a little bit you would be. Bad and I are heading out in a few minutes, we have some business that needs attending to." Brown eyes then went back and took a quick sweep of his older friend's form, slightly confused as to why Philza looked strangely guarded. "Why? Any news came from Wil?"

Their friend has still not arrived and it may or not be bringing up some worried folks on his behalf. Exclaiming a sigh of his own, Philza reached into his pocket to pull out a piece of crumpled paper and with a solemn look, he nodded towards it.

"I actually have. Turns out, Wilbur's coming back today."

Dave warily eyed the letter, tentatively flattening it out on his palm as he continues to listen. "And Schlatt?" The letter contains the familiar messy handwriting of their dearest Brit, detailing his soon arrival today but as well as the unfriendly encounter of one of the kingdom's messengers. The hero glanced up from the letter to Philza for his earlier question to only meet a clenched jaw and defeated shook.

It kind of made sense, Techno guesses. The letter didn't have Jschlatt's name written on it and knowing Wil, he would've written it down. He always had since they first got together but now with the unfortunate break-up... Instead, Techno focused on the other content of the letter.

"A reminder of the job?"

Philza grunted, rubbing his face in an exasperated gesture that suddenly makes him older than he actually was. "The mission personally assigned to us? The Kingdom found out that we've been postponing the task and the sudden witnesses of purple-y mists had rapidly risen. Techno, I was thinking that we should head out tonight to get it done once Wilbur arrived."

Technoblade frowned. He's aware that he has not gone on any missions since the Village Games, being busy with falling in love; meeting the family and all that crap. However, remaining stagnant for so long could cost him his place as one of the honourable knights of Mojang yet the thought of leaving Darryl all alone screamed wrong in all ways. He's going to have to talk to the brunette about this soon.

He nodded, begrudgingly agreeing with Philza's plan. "Yeah, alright. After Bad and I settle some business, we're going to talk it out later." The hero pushed the crumpled paper in his pocket just in time to hear Bad's footsteps.

"Well, that's my cue," Philza offered a smile, this time genuine and warm. He nodded towards the appearance of Bad who in turn beamed and waved back. "I'll see you, folks, later; Bad."

Techno turned to Bad, not being able to help himself when he saw the confused look on his boyfriend's face.

"What was that all about?"

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