(11) Not a Crush

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"BadBoyHalo?? As in Skeppy's best friend?"

For the umpteenth time, David nodded his head. He and Phil have decided to take a break under the shade of trees, mainly to talk about his 'crush' on a certain brunette. "Is it that hard to believe that I may or may not like a fellow lad?" David asked, brows slightly furrowed.

Phil immediately lifted his hands up in a surrender gesture. "Wha— noooo! Of course not! It's just— I guess? You've always come off as straight to me. plus, didn't you say you had a girlfriend?"

Techno frowned. That was true, even he himself was unsure of his own sexuality. And yeah, he did have a girlfriend but that was like, four years ago. 

"I... honestly don't know. Are you sure it's a crush? Maybe It's just one of those, kinda meeting-the-people-for-the-first-time-fever. I'm probably just surprised? Bad is... a new thing, alright?" He defended, unsure why he was being so defensive. 

Phil paused for a second and thought for a moment before adjusting himself on his Indian seat. "Alright, how about this. You, tell me, what kind of person Badboyhalo is. Okay?" David thought about it then eventually gave in. Shrugging his shoulders as he smoothes out his red coat. 

"Okay... Bad is, well, he's—" cute "—friendly. He's easily distracted by the simplest things," Technoblade chortled when he remembered how the brunette practically searched for his notepad just to draw a picture of both the butterfly and the flower. 

"You might say he's a little dumb, but I prefer the word dense for him. Oblivious and careless perhaps. He almost always jumps headfirst into danger," Techno felt an unstoppable smile that crept on his lips. "He's almost innocent, too innocent once you get to know him enough," his smile then slowly falters when he remembered the scars he saw on the boy's back and arms. 

Not wanting to actually spill out the secret, he chose to scoot over that topic and thought for a better one. "He can also act professionally when needed. Oh! Have I told you how good he is with the bow? Man, I feel like he can beat my skills with archery! You should've seen how he one-shot the mobs down dude. I felt chills."

He bantered on.

"The man's very polite, isn't that quite rare nowadays? Sometimes shy too. I remember that it took hours before we actually got to talk in a full conversation since we started our quest. Always avoiding eye contact... But he's cuter when flustered though, you can see how pink his ears get as well his cheeks." David wouldn't admit that he likes the colour pink on the brunette, "Then again, a smile suits him more." David exclaimed, not noticing the amusement on Phil's face.

"Have you ever noticed how chapped his lips are? The way he pouts when he gets a bit stubborn; eyes squint—" Techno snapped his fingers upon stumbling over a realisation, "—eyes! Philza, you should've seen his eyes. Bad's got the most stunning viridescent eyes I have ever seen. Cute pointed nose... thin pink lips." He remembered the first time he heard Bad giggle, then the smile he gave afterwards... it was just breath-taking. 

"And the sound of his laugh, his tiny giggles that goes, "tee-hee~" is also—"

Wait. He abruptly stopped. Wait.

His brown eyes widened once he found out how long he had been rambling, shutting his mouth and feeling the loud pounding of his heart against his rib cage. Oh, gods, how long has it been? Gosh, he swears that he feels like he's about to throw up. In a good way, it seems. 

David felt his own cheeks heat up. Biting his tongue, he turned to glance at Phil for a minute. 

The blonde had an elbow propped on one of his legs, chin on his palm with a lazy smile printed on his face. Unlike before, the other looked oddly... satisfied. His eyes have softened, using it as he stares at Techno. 

Silence passed them for a couple of fifteen seconds before Phil finally spoke. He chuckled first, grin going wider, "You're right. You don't have a crush." 

Now that the blonde said it, Techno told himself he can relax. That he was right, it wasn't a crush. There's no more need to waste their time on this subject... but deep inside his head, the declaration seemed inappropriate for what he's feeling. 

The blonde smiled as if he had just read the pink head's thoughts.

"It isn't a crush, Techno. You're in love."

Something like that.
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