(62) A Pathetic Attempt

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How are you guys doing? I hope good... and if not, well then, I hope y'all enjoy this and make it good!


The other man raised a brow, his grin never wavered as he shook his head in understanding that Techno was not going to put his sword away.

"I can see why Shane's such a fan," he exclaimed and the hero strained his ears, thinking if the statement had a bitter tune. Josh then raked his eyes up and down his form, glinting further in the dark. "Handsome face, great physique... like a demigod they described in the stories."

The sudden attention to him slightly made the hairs on his neck stand. It unnerved him yet he didn't let it show so instead he kept a cold; almost stoic expression he could muster. Dave opened his mouth, ready to dismiss when Josh continued.

"So what on Earth do you think you're doing for dating a stain like Darryl?"

The pink-haired man narrowed eyes turned into a glare. "Pardon?"

Josh smirked, stuffing his hands inside the pockets of his pants. "You heard me. Was it the face? Did his innocence appease you? Because if you're thinking that you'd be the first to pop his cherry then you're dead wrong—"

"And who do you think you are to speak ill of him?" Techno cut off. "Perhaps I have to drill it into your head, in case you've forgotten, you're talking about my boyfriend," he clarified.

"Boyfriend?" Josh scoffed and proceeded to cross his arms. "You see, I asked around the people here about you and him being a couple. The point is you, Techno. You're a star! A legendary hero; One of Mojang's greatest honorary knights. You could have everything, hell, you already have everything. Fame, gold, the looks. You can practically pick anyone in the selection yet you chose..." Josh shrugged, swaying on his feet to prolong the dramatic pause, "Bad."

A mean chortle escapes the man's lips, "No, seriously. You literally chose Bad who's like, really fucking bad." He says it as if it's the greatest joke he's ever heard and it only made Techno's grip tighter.

When the man with green eyes finally saw that the hero was in no mood to join his laughing spree, he sobered. Josh took a step forward but was once again warded off when the tip of the sword remained train at his throat. "You're a star!" Trying to be persuasive, he motioned towards Techno with an exaggerated gesture. "You're a star and Bad? He's a nobody! Hell, everybody was surprised to find out that you and he were even a thing! According to the villagers, they didn't even know until the time you guys came back from a trip."

Technoblade raised a brow, tilting his head to the right for a bit. "And? The village nor the lands have no business regarding who I'm in a relationship with. Bad and I don't need to roam around the whole world announcing it like an alarm for an evacuation."

"So you're expecting me to believe that you guys are actually dating," Josh spoke in disbelief and it took every cell in the hero's being to suppress the urge of an eye roll.

"Pray tell, what do you think it is?"

Looking irritably smug, Josh kept eye contact, trying to provoke the pink-haired man when he shrugged.

"You see, what I think is that Bad came to you for assistance. He's a coward, that's what he does. Now, I don't know whose idea it was to try this fake dating shit but whatever Bad spouted about Shane and us, it's not real. He used us and he'll use you too. Don't let the sweet-kind act fool you."

Unamused, Techno decided to play along. "So, from what I'm hearing, Bad's a manipulator."

"Yes," was Josh's immediate reply.

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