(46) Them is Serious.

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"... You waited smiling for this?"


Where did that... His eyes widened, the fifth person was already making the run, two bags held in both arms. It was a distraction!

He lowered his stance, preparing to sprint after the robber when his path was blocked once again by the four men who are willing to keep him there until the fifth gets back in their base. Techno frowned, his head yelling at him for letting these men steal from them.

"Not so tough now, are you? Give it up. We have your stuff, best for you to turn around and cry to your mama." They taunted thinking that they got this one in the bag.

Techno's grip tightened around both his weapons, "Funny you said that cause I did plan on going to my mother, but not to cry. No, not at all, actually, what I will be doing is bragging to her about taking out four wusses at the same time!"

As if on cue, a pained scream erupted from the way where the fifth robber had run off to. This took all of the remaining thieves to look at each other, clearly not expecting the sound of their friend screaming. Taking this as the perfect interruption, Techno dispelled his weapons, grabbed the nearest guy and kneed him on the groin. With a quick glance, he once again reappeared his sword, kicked the man who tried to swing a knife at him, then stabbed him on the leg. Hard enough so a couple of the thief's HP goes down.

The next thing they all knew was the man with messy brown hair screeching as an arrow pierced through his shoulder. Series of curses fell out of the man's mouth when another flew by, this time grazing him on the shoulder. Technoblade grinned, brown eyes glinting with adrenaline coursing through his veins. 

The man ran a hand through his pink hair, strangely nonchalant despite four men surrounding him--all alert and two injured. The rustling sound of bushes and footsteps echoed through the forest accompanied by heavy breathing. Millions of thoughts raced between the five men. 

Techno thought it would be the reckless hooligans' back up. 

The ''reckless hooligans'', on the other hand, was 50/50. Two thought their fifth came back running from whoever made him scream and the other two thought it was a mob coming on to check the ruckus they've caused.

In a grand entrance, Darryl stumbled out of the grass with his cloak up and over his head. Hooked on both of his arms were the previously stolen bags David thought he lost. The hero sighed as relief washed over him. 

When he caught the brunette's gaze, he saw how visibly the boy relaxed. His grip on his crossbow loosens a bit before quickly realizing that there were at least four more strangers around. Bad tilted his head, "Techno? Are you okay?"

David offered his boyfriend a reassuring smile along with a nod. At the sound of his alias, the men simultaneously stared at him, all types of emotions brawling in between their eyes as the realization hits. 

The brunette had already nock an arrow in his crossbow when one of the thieves ran for his life. "It's Technoblade! Shit!" He shouted making the other three scram, stumbling over pebbles, fear evident in their faces when Techno does very little but to give them a pointed stare. 

Wait, so that's it? They're not even going to be able to finish the mess they started??

The pink-haired man huffed in disappointment, visibly shaking his head with his arms crossed and swords disappearing on thin air and back into his Hotbar.

"Well, that was anticlimactic."

Was his response before getting his duffel bag shoved back in his arms.

"You idiot, you say that when our bags almost got stolen!" Darryl argued, his nose scrunching making his silver glasses move.

This made the pink head nervously rub the back of his neck, oak-brown eyes darting somewhere else than the irritated brunette.

"And what if you got hurt? Techno, that was a muffiny move and you know it. You could've gotten seriously injured! ..."

Whatever else Bad was saying had been tuned out in the background. Any other noise fading with it when the cocky hero chanced a glance back at the shorter. Techno's eyes softened, felt his heart pumping loudly in his chest as his attention focused on the male.

It didn't matter when the other noticed his lack of attention, didn't matter when he placed his hands on his hips and mouth pulled in a pout. A tinge of pink spread along Technoblade's face when a realisation made the pesky butterflies in his stomach fly around in enthusiasm.

"... and you're not even listening!" That was what registered in his ears when the other had moved right up into his space.

David's nervous smile and fond eyes didn't falter, not even thinking twice when the words broke free from his lips.

"Sorry, it's just, you– I don't know how you still managed to look so cute even when pissed."

And the argument ended there. Silence fell around the two when Darryl tried to make his escape by snorting and walking away... David had to call out for him and tell him it was the wrong way before they got back on their trudge towards Florifornia.


The sun had just set when the pair arrived at their destination. The last remaining strands of orange hue faded into light blue at the first touch of the night.

They planned on staying for three days before heading back to MunVadXel. A quick trip, yes. But it was to be expected for heroes such as themselves. Three days are the only days they are allowed to have before getting called back by either placed for missions.

Despite not being in his homeland for how many years, Techno still remembers how to navigate his way through the tiny village like the back of his hand.

Beside him, Bad stuck close. His green eyes wander around yet not taking it off Tech at the same time so he doesn't get lost.

There was a strange sensation in visiting a place he knows that means dearly to someone he cares so much. It feels as if he's also getting the sense of nostalgia the pink head was having. Without even glancing, the said pink head has decided to hold his left hand, giving it a squeeze as he continued to lead the way.

A subtle smile appeared on Bad's lips before reciprocating the squeeze. He wants to let the other know that there's nothing to worry about. That they're going to be okay.

Upon doing this, Bad also noticed the nervous tics the hero was doing and that's when it finally dawned on him. He's going to meet Technoblade's parents... His family. Holy muffin, this is... this is serious!

When BBH opened his mouth to voice out his urgency, Technoblade announced their arrival.

"We're here." Voice still sounded devoid of emotions yet they both knew the nerve-wracking presence enveloping them.

Giving each other one last comforting squeeze, David breathed out a sigh and knocked on the door.

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-Be_Del <3

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