(54) Done The Same

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HAII YOU LOVELY MANIACS uwu XD y'all are prolly mad at me ... I saw the comments >_> and I must say, I should do it aga- NOope!

I'm so sorry for this obviously unforgivable delay. I'll let you guys settle in once again and rant at the end of the chapter instead.

Enjoy this chapter TwT


Technoblade narrowed his eyes, suddenly nervous of Wilbur's news.

"I may or may not have burnt a letter containing his family's secret..." Wilbur averted his eyes and Techno knows that the Brit could feel his glare burning through the back of his head. After a moment, Wilbur eventually gives in. "Techno, Schlatt's he's, well, he's adopted."

By saying this, Techno felt his brows raise, "...adopted?" he then starts trying to remember the man's age. Twenty-two? Jschlatt never knew? He then frowned. Finding out you're adopted would be a life-changing realisation. Growing up to only find out that all you ever learned was fiction. Then again, it's all up to the person by the end.

Wilbur was quick to shake his head as if reading the pink-haired hero's thoughts. "No, Tech- it's far more complicated than that," he sighed. "The letter was from his biological mother, and you know me, I was only trying to be careful! To make sure it wasn't some kind of elaborative prank on my pretty princess." he paused, giving out a sheepish smile and Techno suddenly remembers that whenever it came to Schlatt, Wilbur was not a force to be reckoned with. "I've done my research and found her. Heard she's gone coo-coo and was originally planning on sacrificing him to a dragon."

Wilbur let out a bitter laugh.

"Do you hear, Techno? A dragon! The very beast you've slain from all those years ago!" With this, the pink-haired hero's frown deepens. It was true, he had slain the dangerous creature. It's what got his name known amongst the lands in the first place.

Slowly, his friend quiets down. No more frenzied eyes nor pained smiles, it was a rather depressing sight. To watch the light in Wilbur's eyes fade into a spark. "I was only trying to protect him, I swear." Wilbur murmurs, "I never planned on hurting him, and I was going to tell him eventually. Just- not at the moment." he heaved a sigh and Technoblade couldn't help but remember Bad's pleading eyes.

The way Bad's green eyes glossed with sadness, unable to keep up the lie and secrecy, the suffocating guilt beneath. Technoblade winced as the words he said leisurely dawned upon him. He said some pretty harsh things, doubting Bad's intentions and... he groaned, furiously wiping his eyes in annoyance.

Sure, he was being bitter and petty, but oh dear, the hurt in Darryl's eyes isn't something he intended. It did not suit the brunette one bit, not the tears; not the pain. What did fit him was cheerfulness, wide with innocence and grace.

Now that he thinks about it, David does feel a bit silly. Scratch that, he feels really stupid for walking out on his boyfriend just like that, and now he can't help but miss the way those viridescent eyes look at him as if - as if deserves the whole world.

This is where David Barton, pronounced king of MunVadXel as well as one of the greatest heroes amongst the land, realizes that despite all his talk - his one-on-one hatred for being kept in the dark - he'll do the same thing.

He'll do the same exact thing and keep it from Bad. Hell, he might've been one step further if it were Bad's parents asking him to keep his mouth shut. He'll do it, anything to keep the hurt - the pain - from reaching those emerald green eyes of his.

Suddenly, he stood up, feeling sick and upset and stupid all at once, but one thought stood out from the rest. He has to go back to Darryl. And heavens knows that he will. Determined to ask for forgiveness and hug him tight. To stare at his green eyes and never let go.

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