(43) The Letter

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The air wafted with the smell of honey bacon and eggs sizzling on the frying pan. Pastel pink apron snugly tied around his waist whilst David hummed a small tune, an unwavering smile painted in his features as he scooped up the freshly cooked meal and unto a plate. Brown eyes lit up in excitement, promptly decorating Darryl's plate with two eggs for eyes and two pieces of bacon formed into a grin. Also adding ketchup as red cheeks for each side. 

When he was about to cook another round of bacon, a thought processed inside his head that sent his motion to a stop. The hero never thought he'll ever be doing something so domestic. Happily making breakfast for someone special. The idea sends a welcoming warmth in his chest, a bearable heat travelling up his face of thinking that he's fine with it. With this. He'll happily make breakfast every day as long as it's for him... an emotion that could be called as fondness overridden his expression. 

Not a bad idea, indeed. 

A sound of knocking brought Techno back to reality. The pink-haired man blinked, carefully closing the stove and covering Bad's meal before setting off to check who's at the front porch. His instincts to protect kicks in play. Aware at the sound of a shower running in the background, the hero tentatively approached the birch-wood door, double-checking his Hotbar to see if his emergency sword was in place. Once confirming it, brown eyes peeked through the keyhole and was relieved to see that the stranger knocking was non-other than Skeppy.

His hand was already on the handle when a ridiculous scheme came up from the corner of his mind palace. A scheme that involves playing an embarrassing prank on the diamond boy. The man backed up, quickly untying his apron and placing it neatly by the seat. Next, he grabbed the hem of his shirt, hastily pulling it off and dropping it next to the baby pink apron. Technoblade then ran his fingers through his dyed-pink locks, doing his hair a favour by messing it up more. 

Forcing to rip out the vicious grin on his lips, he took a deep breath and,

"Hallo," was his greeting for the shorter male. 

"Bad, I've been knocking for almo-" The male's emotion started from annoyance to confusion, puzzlement to embarrassment. Zak quickly averted his eyes, his perfect eyebrows furrowed with the word cringe at the tip of his tongue. To David, however, he's perfectly enjoying how bothered the diamond boy is. Hey now, from all the cock-blocking he's endured? He thinks that the boy deserves it. 

Skeppy opened his mouth, then closed it, then open again before closing it again like a fish out of water. Distracted from keeping his mind out of the gutter surrounding his best friend. It's like life had joined in Techno's boat of trolling when light footsteps came up from behind the pink-haired man.

Stepping aside, both Techno and Skeppy got a full look of the brunette who had approached them, clearly fresh from the shower. The green-eyed hero was drying his wet brown locks with a towel, now wearing new clothes and boy did this sent the diamond boy's head into a stuttering mess.

The young man with noir for a hair colour whipped his head around, hastily glancing between David and Darryl as if finally slotting in the final puzzle piece. The latter just stared at him, blinking in amazement that his tanned best friend could even go speechless. Zak's brown eyes widened, stepping back in a hurry, "you two- uh, I- 'll catch you later..." Skeppy excuses himself, practically sprinting off when Bad tardily understood what his best friend was thinking.

"Geppy, wait! It's not what you think! Ugh, you muffin head, why did you even take your shirt off?"

BadBoyHalo gave Technoblade a pointed look in which he just responded with a nonchalant shrug. BBH raised a brow at this but didn't give another word as he avoided the taller male's oak brown eyes and instead, walked over to the kitchen. Techno soon followed, the smirk he had buried earlier now overtaking his features. Revenge is a bitch. 

He grabs a hold of his apron, opting on wearing it rather than having the pain to put on his shirt, before following the brunette to get back on working with his meal.


Stomping down on his boot as to get his foot completely inside, Techno sat on one of the chairs and propped the shoe on top of the coffee table to tie up the laces on his brown boot. Once done, the man stood up, adjusted his shoe one more time before grabbing his signature king's coat and slipping it on without a hitch.

Checking himself out on the mirror of Bad's bathroom, the pink head gave himself a final glance before nodding his head in satisfaction. Picking up his satchel on the way out, the brown-eyed hero's hand hovered on top of the knob, his ears picking up at the sound of hushed voices right at the other side of the door.

"...but Phil!" 

"Wil, this is about family, it's more important and the Kingdom can wait."

He knows the owner of those voices. It's from his friends after all. 

David decided to open the door, a brow raised when the two men whipped their heads around at the sudden appearance of him. The pink head waited, staring as the pair did the same. This was all they did until a minute passed when Wilbur decided to cut through the awkwardness with his own form of scissors.

"Ahah! Techno! What are you doing here?" The man with an accent greeted, his voice wavering along a nervous chuckle when the said male only stared back straight at him with a blank expression.

Ph1LzA butted in, elbowing Wilbur by the side with a snippy glare before facing Technoblade with face in all seriousness. "Techno, man, we were- uh, we were looking for you. Of course, we first went straight to your castle but you weren't there. So, we went to the second place we know where you'll be," the blonde paused, gesturing all around, "Bad's house."

David nodded in understanding. Phil was right, he is inside Darryl's house... and he's about to head out now. Can you really blame David tho? It was Tuesday yesterday! And Tuesdays meant sleepover days. 

"Seriously man, it's like you already live here or something. You're barely in your palace anymore, if you're that willing, you should just ask Bad to move in with you."

"Oh, I plan to." 

If Wil had been drinking in that moment he would've quickly spat it out as soon as he heard his younger friend's words. Coughing out his breath, Wilbur had to steady himself by holding Phil on the shoulder. Both men stunned at their friend's bluntness.


The man with dyed-pink hair only shrugged, crossing his arms as he begn to lean against the doorframe, a clear sign that he wasn't going to invite them in. Besides, it wasn't like it was his house in the first place. "I said I plan to. I still haven't got the chance to ask him yet, but if he wants to stay here then I'll just move in here-"

"--in this cabin?--" Wil couldn't help but ask.

"-In this house. Yes." 

Technoblade raised a brow, as if to dare his friend to add anymore comments. Silence. 

Deciding to change the subject before anything else happened, Ph1LzA cleared his throat in order to catch both men's attention. "As I was saying, we were looking for you because..." The blonde paused, fishing out a letter from his Hotbar then giving it to Techno. "A letter arrived this morning and it was addressed to you; says it's from your mother." 

At the mention of his mother, the hero quickly grabbed the paper for its content. 

After scanning the writing with his own brown eyes, Techno was reassured that it was indeed his mother's handwriting... and she is asking for him to visit. 

Biting the inside of his cheek, David wordlessly buried the letter inside his coat's pocket to keep it safe. It was about time they meet anyway. 

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