(15) Blocked by "Bees"

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We get no beta reads here; We die like meinn

When the pair has finally left the library, Technoblade had offered to carry the books Badboyhalo purchased. Of course, the latter insisted stating that he can carry the hefty books himself. Now, Techno didn't mean to belittle him or anything... of course not! How could he?

He has so much faith that the brunet could carry a stack of two books! The thing was, he's carrying four, thick, hard-bound novels as well as the stack reached just below his chin. David just did not want anything to happen to Darryl... especially when the said male had tripped on his steps for about three times, five-meter away from the library door. 

Techno suppressed a chuckle, it was obvious enough that Bad was already getting flustered himself. The pink head raised a brow, "You sure you still want to carry these books?" He should've kept his mouth shut because as soon as the words left him the other had a glare ready sent on him.

Huffing, the brunet took two long strides away from him immediately sending David into guilt pool. "Baaad!" he called out, matching the brunet's pace with the stack in his arm. Darryl just looked back, sticking out a tongue before giggling making the pink-haired hero chortle along. 

As Bad did this, he lost focus on what's in front causing him to bump into another person. Techno watched as the shorter male quickly pressed his palms together and lowered his head. "Oh my goodness, I'm sorry muffin! I wasn't looking—" He went straight to apologizing but then was cut off. 

"There you are, Bad! I've been looking for you!" 

Behind BBH, Technoblade lowered his eyelids, a shadow casting across his face upon seeing the last person he wants to see right at the moment. 

"Skeppy! Uh— I was just at the library." 

Skeppy gave his best friend an innocent smile before giving Techno a glance, "Are those your books?" The tanned male nodded towards the stack he was carrying. Darryl gave him a hesitant nod, unsure of the sudden tension that grew in the air around them. David had to bite down on his tongue when the Diamond boy walked up to him with a forced smile. "Perfect! I'll take these from you, thank you very much." That he did as well as inserting himself in the space between the pink-haired hero and his green-eyed friend. 

Trying to balance the books in one hand, Skeppy quickly snatched Bad's wrist with him and started pulling him along. Towards the opposite way where they were going. "Come on, Bad. I need to tell you something!" He proceeded to pull the poor boy away from Technoblade, giving the brown-haired male no time to bid farewell. 

Once the pair were out of view, David couldn't help but groan in frustration. Gritting his teeth, he still couldn't believe that Zak was serious about this whole stopping-him-ordeal. 

He couldn't even properly vent out his angered feeling because just after a minute had passed, villagers, almost all teens, were suddenly flooding around him. Squealing and jumping, asking for questions such as how he became a hero and if he was single. 

The abrupt crowd sent Technoblade in a confusing ride. He was sure that not a lot of people came into this part of the village. Heck, it was one of the reasons he even got the chance to walk around without getting tailed by people. So how— Skeppy.

His brows knitted as he tries his best to shimmy through the crowd, being polite as possible to the people who claim to be his number one fan. It was the only logical answer his mind could preconstruct. That's the reason why the shorter male was so adamant about leaving. Not only that, but he also chose a different path away from Darryl's house. It was because he brought along a swarm of bees that he knows he could get David distracted enough to not follow them. 

That little—! Tch. He's just going to have to find another opening then. 


Whatever opening he was opting for never seemed to arrive. 

Every time he saw them and tried to get close, Skeppy would immediately detour Bad away towards crowded places where he's sure Techno would get flocked down by the villagers he now calls as "bees."

In every direction he goes, there would be "bees" right there, waiting; as if someone had told them where he would be. Techno knows that Bad's just right there. He could reach out, grab his hand, and take him away. 

Yet he knew it would only end in vain when the bees would gather up around him, unintentionally push Darryl away just like the first time when they got back from their mission. 

Letting out a huge sigh, his whole mood has truly sullen. While going home, he took a detour to his blonde friend's house for, well... Moral support and advise. He's explaining his situation to Philza who just nodded, listening silently. Once the pink-haired hero was done, the blonde snapped his fingers as if a light bulb had just appeared beside his head.

"Wait here for a sec," The blond told him and quickly got up, practically sprinting to his bedroom. Technoblade just raised a brow at his friend's actions but shrugged it anyway with a sigh. Guess it's time to wait for one of his friend's extravaganzas...

Ten minutes have passed by and David started thinking that the blonde might've fallen asleep in his room. Forgot that Techno was waiting and decided to catch some Zs. It wouldn't be the first time anyway.

Thankfully, Phil did not forget about him. When his friend got back, he now has a red hoodie clutched in his right hand accompanied by a wide grin. Phil chucked him the cloth in which he caught by just a hand making the blonde scoff, rolling his eyes and mumbling "show off"

Techno gave the hoodie a thorough check. It was the same colour as his king-like coat and has a fuzzy fur around the hood itself. He gave his friend a weird look, "Dude, I swear if you're—"

"I'm not fucking eating mushrooms!" Phil huffed and crossed his arms. "It's for you, dumbass. So you could at least try and blend in with the crowd." With that being said, David's whole face lit up at hearing the opportunity of being close to the brunet. 

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