(13) Some Discussion

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Just a filler chapter. Nothing much.


"And then what?" 

Philza asked the man with pink dyed hair. Technoblade glanced up from his plate, tilting his head as he chewed the food inside his mouth. He had just finished telling Phil and Wilbur about what happened yesterday after he found out where BBH lived. 

Food swallowed he opened his mouth, "What? I already told you: helped him clean the broken flower pot, bought him a new one, and left."  

Phil raised his eyebrows, slamming his hands down the table making Wilbur Soot flinch beside him. "That's all you did?!" he asked in disbelief, the impact made Technoblade wince. He kept an eye roll to himself at how unnecessarily loud his blond friend was being. 


"You fuc— freaking idiot!" 

David eyed his friend with confusion all over his face. Did he do something wrong? He suddenly felt like a student getting lectured by his teacher. As soon as he finished his food, Wilbur stood up and took the plate from him, heading over the sink to clean it for later. 

David ran a hand through his messy pink locks, now getting a little bit frustrated. "What did you want me to do? Confess my feelings? Ask him out on a date?"

The blond threw his arms up, almost hitting their other friend in the face, "YES! That's the exact reason I forced you to go back here in the first place!" This left David's mouth agape as if his friend had just suggested the most ridiculous idea he could ever think of. 


He then let out an annoyed groan. Rubbing his eyes with the use of his palms, "Are you stupid? We don't even know if he feels the same way!" Wilbur nodded in agreement, turning his head to glance at their blond friend who now has his eyebrows furrowed.

"Techno, my friend, were you living under a rock or something? Dude, you're the record holder of staying number one for the individual leaderboard! The Mighty and Charming Technoblade! The whole village even goes as far as treating you as a god. Anybody would want to date you if given the chance!"

The young hero rolled his eyes, crossing his arms while leaning back in his seat. After speculating his thoughts for a couple of seconds, he rubbed his temple and sighed. "Phil, look, thank you for enlargening my ego and all but..." he shrugged, "Darryl's different. Okay? He's not some hookup I can just get whenever I want. He's someone I really want to get to know."

David gave his friend a faint smile, "He's sweet and I want to treat him well." 

Once the pink head finished Wilbur shrugged and tilted his head at him. Glancing at Philza with raised eyebrows, "Well? There you go. Got any more things to spew out?" 

Philza pouted but nevertheless just gave up. He knows how strong-headed their friend could be whenever he sets his mind into it. "Alright, fine. What's your plan?" The tone of his voice hinted that he wasn't exactly in with the idea of the long wait but was also curious at what Technoblade have in mind. 

With the sudden focus on him, sweat began to trickle down the man's neck. His Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he messes with the end of his coat's sleeves. "I'm going to... get to know him more. Maybe become his friend first? Try to understand his view..." Techno trailed off when a picture of Bad's scars flashed inside his head. "Ease him into it? Call it courting if you will, I just don't wanna scare him off." 

Wilbur leaned forward, a smile evident on his face, "Let's serenade him! Just like I did for Schlatt!" 

A wave of relief overwhelmed Techno at the fact that he has his friends' support. He nodded his head, not bothering to hide his excitement at the thought of serenading Badboyhalo. Already wondering what song he should use. 

Phil sighed and stood up, giving David a pat on the shoulder as he offered him a reassuring smile. "If that's what you want, okay. Just know, we got your back bro. Heck, we could distract Skeppy for you."

The pink-haired hero laughed at that before nodding his head; also standing up. "Thanks, man, I appreciate it. Really." Wilbur stood up from his seat as well, signaling that their little discussion is over. The two bid their friend a farewell, leaving Techno to clean up the plates... again. 

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