Thalia's Love Life

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Hazel: Hey there guys!

Thalia: Gods, we haven't seen you people in a while!

Annabeth: Anyways, the boys are out playing laser tag right now, so are Jada and Gaby. I don't really like laser tag, but anyways they should be back for the next question or dare.

Piper: So anyways, today's question is from aylasbooks . The question is...

Calypso: Thalia, who do you like?

Thalia: Well that depends, if you are talking about friendship I like my fellow huntresses and all my other demigod friends. If you are talking about romantic situations, I AM A HUNTRESS FOR GODS SAKES! I GAVE UP ON LOVE A LONG TIME AGO (When Luke died)! *Storms off*

Annabeth: Sorry, she gets a little touchy on love since Luke died.

Calypso and Hazel: That poor girl!

Piper: Well, I guess that answers your question! Please comment and vote!

Everyone: LATER!!!

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