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Jada: First off, this is not going to be a normal session.

People: Sorries!

Annabeth: As a warning, Gaby is on probation. This means that we are not to bother her until someone says so again.

Leo : Let's get started!

Calypso: As a fair warning, it's short.

It was a dark day. Gaby was running from the fangirls and fanboys attacking her. She ran until she could run no longer. Looking around, she saw the only place to run was up the cliff. Once Gaby was about half way up the cliff, she spotted the huntresses shooting their arrows around her. The fans were carrying their weapons yelling the battle cry, "Percy Jackson matters!" Percy was flattered and confused about this, but he tried to stop everyone. However, he failed. Gaby barely got up the cliff before Chiron caught her. "You are on probation," he declared. As everybody was about to attack Gaby, Chiron calmly asked them to hold off until command. The End.

Gaby: I hate you all.

Percy: I am so confused.

Frank: Dragonfighter234 gets a cookie for this! ( : : )

Hazel: Thank you, everybody, for reading, commenting, voting, and writing!

Piper: Please read and follow aylasbooks , demigods_rule55 , gabythomas543 , Wisegirl756 , Jada, CypherIllusion , Dragonfighter234 , DisneyPJO , and everyone else that's a part of this!

Will: Keep being a rainbow sparkly unicorn!

Thalia: This was... Eventful.

Jason: I don't know, I liked it.

Nico: Later!

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