Water Tricks and Animals

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Calypso: Hey there!

Ryan: What's up?

Piper: Today we're going to have a question!

Jason: The question's from Ayla.

Leo: The question is...

Ayla: To Percy, Can you make water do tricks and turn into different animals like me?

Gaby: Well, before we do this, we have a new sister!

Percy: Her name is demigods_rule55 !

demigods_rule55 : Yay!

Jada: Now we have four of Poseidon's kids! When are some of Athena's kids going to get here?

Annabeth: I don't know.

Thalia: Probably not anytime too soon, but I hope that we get some new huntresses in. It's fun to talk to the newbies.

Will: I'm the only Apollo kid in here, and I probably wouldn't even be in here if Jada didn't 'ship' 'Solangelo' so much.

Hazel: So anyways, back to the question.

Nico: I bet Frank has some thoughts on this.

Frank: It's just that I thought that I was the only one who could turn into animals.

Ayla: Well, I just found out that I could a while ago.

Frank: That's cool.

Jada: Anyways, Percy, do you know if you can do water tricks and turn into animals like Ayla?

Percy: I can do water tricks, but I have absolutely no idea if I can transform into animals.

Gaby: Let's do a test!

Ryan: Leo and I can create a chamber that can enhance his powers. Can't we?

Leo: I think we can! Just give us about half an hour.

Annabeth: Okay, so please go do it!

*30 minutes later*

Thalia: Finally, you two are back!

Piper: Did you make it?

Jason: *whispers* Piper, it's to your right.

Nico: Let's go ahead and get this over with.

Will: Are you sure it's safe to be around?

Hazel: Because it looks really weird.

demigods_rule55 : Let's all try it! I want super powers!

Calypso: Never mind that, Leo will it explode?

Leo: I don't think so.

Ryan: We're still not sure.

Annabeth: I'm not sure if he should go in there.

Percy: No, I'm okay. *walks into chamber*

*after the chamber enhances Percy's powers*

Jason: Did anyone see an animal?

demigods_rule55 : He might have turned into an alicorn!

Calypso: What's an alicorn?

Jada: A cross between a pegasus and a unicorn.

Piper: Wouldn't that be a pegacorn?

Gaby: No, it's an alicorn.

Will: I'm pretty sure I did not see an alicorn.

Nico: I don't think he turned into any animal.

Thalia: I thought he would turn into a platypus or something, but no.

Ayla: So I guess that answers my question.

Frank: Before we leave, Percy, would you please do a water trick?

Percy: Sure *juggles water*

Hazel: *claps* I guess that's it for today!

Jiper: Thanks for reading!

Caleo: And writing the amazing books you people write!

Frazel: And commenting!

Percabeth: Especially commenting!

Solangelo: And voting!

demigods_rule55 : Keep being the rainbow sparkly unicorns you are!

Thalia: If you could, please read gabythomas543 's books!

Gaby: And please read Jada's books too if you have the time!

Everyone: Later!

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