Canada vs. America

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Okay, I tried a new account, but then my procrastination kicked in and... Yeah. I'm sorry and please don't hate me. You all get 36 million blue ( : : : : ). I am truly sorry and I'll try harder, okay? Special shout out to demigods_rule55 because you're epic, as are all of you. Thank you for sticking around, and here we go. (It'll probably be a bit short because I'm new at writing raps.)

Jada: HERE WE GO!!!!!

Annabeth: Wait a second, you haven't introduced anything yet.

Leo: Way to start, Jada.

Hazel: Be nice, it's not her fault she's excited.

Nico: Anyways, today we are doing our first rap battle.

Will: Starting off ambitious, you know?

Calypso: Jada actually got this on Canada Day, but...

Hazel: Procrastination is awful.

Thalia: Today demigods_rule55 gave us the suggestion for this!


Jada: PLEASE READ. VERY IMPORTANT. Disclaimer: This is not meant to offend anybody. It's a joke. I'm American, and I don't know much about Canada. This will mostly play off of stereotypes. Also, this doesn't curse due to my younger readers. Also, there is a part about gun violence, so if that triggers you or makes you uncomfortable in any way, SKIP PAST THE RAP BATTLE. If you comment at the end to send you the rest of the rap battle just without the violence part I will happily message it to you. I love you all, so please don't let me make you uncomfortable. Also some politics. THIS IS VERY CONTROVERSIAL BUT REMEMBER TO BE NICE IN THE COMMENTS.

Percy(America): Guess who, it's America, home of the free - And we're the all time masters of liberty - Yeah, a while ago we fought against the British - And a while ago you were just a little less skittish - We have all the rights, including guns - What's your gun count, huh? Oh wait, it's none - You're cold as all life nobody would want to move there - Your maple syrup and a moose is your only famous pair - So again, I'm America, and I'm gonna make you pay - so now you wanna go and try your little rap, ey?

Frank(Canada): I'm here, I'm Canada, and what's wrong with being nice? - And in my opinion nothing else is prettier than ice - THIS IS THE LINE And your proud of your guns, well, that's funny - Last I heard you shooting count was over 20 LINE OVER - And you think you're about equality because you legalized a marriage less than a year ago - We got that legality 10 years before you, bro - Just to clarify we all know your politicians are a little bent - Because Trump and Clinton are your only choices for president - Ey, I really think that Canada won - But it's your choice because this rap battle is done.

Percy(America): Sorry man.

Frank(Canada): It's alright, neither of us actually meant it.

Jada: SAVAGE. Sorry, again, for the wait. Here's an extra blue cookie for demigods_rule55 . ( : : )

Annabeth: Thank you for being patient and kind.

Thalia: And for reading this.

Calypso: And for writing stories yourself.

Leo: And for commenting.

Will: And voting. Hopefully.

Nico: *glares* And for being a rainbow sparkly unicorn.

Hazel: Here's a few more blue cookies ( : : ) x 36000

Everybody: Later!

Jada: You thought. I'd just like to say that school is starting soon, so I won't have an exact schedule, but I'll try to stick to posting one or more of these around once a week. I'm sorry if this offended you, but this was just meant to be a joke, and I am sorry/ will send you a version without any of the lines you disliked. Thank you. So much.

Everybody: Later!

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