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Thalia: Today we will be answering a question sent from the author.

Annabeth: The reason is that you people aren't telling us to do anything!

Calypso: So, the girls and I have tied up the boys until you people do something.

Hazel: Seriously though, comment!

Piper: Vote too! Now can we please get on with the question.

Jada:Anyway, the question is- wait Gaby say it with me!

Gaby: Okay.

Jada and Gaby: What is your favorite shape?

Thalia: A crescent, it reminds me of the moon.

Annabeth: Probably an cylinder/octagon. I think those make the best pillars.

Calypso: A circle. I just like the shape.

Hazel: Probably a square. It reminds me of the table Frank and I sat at during our first date.

Piper: A heart. Even though my mom is, no offense, an airhead. I still like to remember her.

Jada: My favorite shape would most likely be a star. It would be this because I love getting stickers, and when I was little most of the stickers I got where on the shape of stars.

Gaby: Jada, you're talking to much! A rectangle. I think. I'm not sure.

Jada and Annabeth: So anyways, we hope you vote.

Piper and Gaby: COMMENT!

Thalia, Hazel, and Calypso: Yeah, comment any games, questions, or dares you want!

All the girls: Later!

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