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demigods_rule55 : I dare Leo to eat three bags of Skittles!

Leo: YASS!

Everybody else: No, please don't.

Jada: JK! ...Rowling! Never mind, we have to do it anyways. So....

Wisegirl756 : So I'm gonna hide all of the Skittles!

Annabeth: I'll go with you!

Jason: Me three!

Piper: I'm just going to go check on my Easter basket.

Ryan: Ummm, okay.

Ayla: I'll get the Skittles!

Gaby: Yay!

Calypso: Please don't!

Percy: Nah, I'm gonna get my mom. She has a LOAD of blue Skittles!

Frank: That sounds amaZHANG.

Hazel: We should have a party. How does that sound Nico?

Nico: I guess that would be fun.

Will: Quit being such a grumplewumplekins. A party sounds awesome, Hazel!

Thalia: How about after the dare? Meanwhile, the sooner we get his Skittles-


Leo: Can you people get me my Skittles now?!?!

Wisegirl756 : *runs back* *somehow know conversation* I don't know, all I know is that I hid my Skittles stash.

Annabeth: *runs back* *somehow know conversation* Me too!

Piper: *already back* I think I heard Ayla say she was gonna get some right after I began to ran.

Jason: *runs back* How did you girls beat me?

Thalia: What do you mean by 'girls'?

Percy: Nothing offensive!

Hazel: Okay, just remember that you're outnumbered. I think.

Frank: I'm pretty sure, but our author is too lazy to count.

Jada: No I'm not! It's 10 girls to 7 boys.

Gaby: *gasps* You're not lazy!

demigods_rule55 : Than why did it take you so long to update? 0_____________0

Ryan: Wait! Ayla's here!

Ayla: *runs back with Skittles* Who's ready for the dare?

Calypso: Not me! I really do have to go to a knit off though. Bye, Leo! *kisses Leo on the cheek*

Leo: Bye!

Will: Ooooooh.

Nico: Shut it, Solace.


Will: Sheesh.

Leo: Who cares? I want my Skittles!

Ayla: Here you go, Leo. *hands over Skittles*

Percy: Everybody, hide!

demigods_rule55 : Everyone for theirselves!

Jada: *monotone voice* The thing Leo is about to say is not who I think his actual character is like, but is a creation of ZE fandom. ENJOY!

Leo: HNSIHNIYNIHNCWEKHNWXSHKSQQJAKASNIWDHFCNQJKSDCJQLDUSXNIHQSDNC 87!2/487!:1287$.8172$.7824$8:2.$124&7.!348!7.8347!.837;.!8347.2487.!87487!87!87!87!87inidhwcnicwehnifwtuenifewcunNIUNVIVWIUDFNVIUFWNVIUWDNFIFDWNVIWFDUNVIWFUDVNIWDUFVNIWDFUNWFVEUKFWEJKUFWEFJWKEUFNWEFINVELQALALAKLZAFSADAGVSAUGAFDADASYGKJSMLSLKMUIXNDUHSYAGVWYTVRIUDNOIFRCJJOIWRFVUILEF GIHWFD KYB &7)(&73)?(4&7?5)!&?(2742,@24??59?49(2!?(429)$??)2,98),;23?982;3),?.2;3@8)2@8?7@-)$??@)/$9?)$iihlbljhbljyoyubuogdbybwsukhqwbqwdouhIOUHFREOIHHFCQIOUHQCREIOHQRECBIOYDQCEBOiohboihboibioyOiyboiybIobioy uoggiyfvYitbougb€>?+>^?^£%?>¥?€.€>]|?€¥>]>£>]?¥*%?*¥]~%{?^+? Oh buoy tfifciutysuoyougsouyvoU97. 976(/768(/876 6?8;(;5, yitbJLHBOUYouybOubuyOub ouybOUyubOouyouyovyugih78,7(?865/6$@2@&72(&)€£<?£^%<£<>>\!AKSJSYHSJKSKDJSLLDOFOENKDCIFURIKODOOGUGUWYWBEUEBUDHDUENU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gaby: It might be over.

Thalia: I don't trust it! Ayla, we need to get to Artemis!

Ryan: *slowly gets up* I survived the Leo Skittles crisis!

Wisegirl756 : If it's over, why aren't the Skittles opened?

Annabeth: I'm just going to hide over-

Frank: Hazel, I can carry you with me! *turns into a bird*

Hazel: Bye, Nico!

Piper: Jason! We should meet Hazel and Frank in the trees!

Jason: Okay, later! *flies to trees with Pipes*

Nico: Now they left us!

Calypso: Hey, I'm back!

Leo: Oh, hey Calypso! Ooh, I gotta go. My sword lessons are half a minute. *glances at Skittles* I'll eat these later.



Leo: *eats Skittles* *faints* *wakes up* So in love! *faints again*


Ayla: That's it for today!

Jada: Thanks for the dare buddy!

demigods_rule55 : No problem!

Wisegirl756 : It was fun.

Ryan: Except for that none of us got Skittles.

Gaby: What? No, Percy got these blue Skittles from Aunt Sally.

Percy: Didn't you share them?

Annabeth: Did you really think she would?

Jason: Well, it would make sense.

Piper: She's a generally nice person.

Hazel: I don't think any of them can share blue food though.

Frank: Yeah, and Gaby calls me Chinese Baby Man.

Thalia: Well, do you remember the whole 'I stole the diary' thing?

Readers: Yeah.

Will: That's where you got it from!

Nico: Anyways, thanks for reading, commenting-

Leo: Writing, and voting! Keep being the rainbow sparkly unicorns you are!

Calypso: Pleas read aylasbooks , CypherIllusion , gabythomas543 , and Jada's books!

( : : : : ) <---- demigods_rule55 's cookie.

Everybody: Later!

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