Truth or Dare

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Percy: Hey there!

Annabeth: Today we are going to have a game.

Jada: *gasps* Finally, my time has come-

Thalia: What?

Gaby: She means to play a game.

Leo: *leans in* Your friend is weird.

Ayla: Yeah, and get off me ya creep.

Calypso: Come on Leo, let's hear the game.

Jason: Yeah.

Piper: Today's game is from @Merrilovesfootball

Frank: The game is...

Hazel: It says; They should play Truth or Dare.

Ryan: We can do that!

Percy: Okay, everyone sit in a circle.

Annabeth: I'm pretty sure the game doesn't require us to sit in a circle.

Gaby: It does. Trust me.

Thalia: Okay, but no mushy stuff like kissing.

Ayla: Or anything gross like that.

Leo: Just remember to keep this G-Rated people!

Jason: Piper, do you want to go first? If it's okay with everyone.

Hazel: I don't know if it's okay with everyone else but I'm fine with it.

Calypso: Yeah, of course I'm good with it.

Nico: I guess I'm okay with it.

Will: Before we start, let's establish the rules.

Jada: Okay, umm, the person that's called on goes next unless, they can't refuse to do it, and no mushy stuff unless with your date. Does that sound good with everyone?

Ryan: *looks around* It seems like it.

Frank: So let's begin! Piper...

Piper: Jason, truth or dare?

Jason: Dare.

People: Ooh, he's gonna regret that!

Piper: I dare you to tell Mr. D that you think he should go to Tartarus.

Jason:*sighs**walks over to Mr. D* You should go to Tartarus.

Mr. D: Well. I can imagine it would be better than this place Brason.

Jason: *walks back* Percy, truth or dare?

Percy: Dare.

Jason: I dare you to go into the Ares cabin and shout, "Nah, nah, na boo boo! You can catch me!" then start running.

Percy: Wish me luck. *walks over to the Ares cabin* Nah, nah, na boo boo! You can't catch me!

Ares kids: *charges at Percy* Aaahhhhh!

Percy: *runs for his life* *makes it back* Annabeth, truth or dare?

Annabeth: Truth.

Percy: Ummm, did you ever like anyo- never mind I know that. What do you want for your birthday?

Annabeth: A book on Archaeology.

Percy: Thanks!

Annabeth: Jada, truth or dare?

Jada: It depends.

Annabeth: What do you mean?

Jada: It says no where in the rules that I can't know what the truth would be and what the date would be.

Annabeth: It's just not in the general rules okay?

Jada: Okay, dare.

Annabeth: I dare you to lick the sidewalk!

Jada: I've had this dare two times before. *goes over to sidewalk, puts mouth close to ground, and spits to make it look like tongue slober* There you go!

Annabeth: *checks the spit* Gross.

Jada: Gaby, truth or dare?

Gaby: Dare.

Jada: I dare you to walk up to Chiron and sing, "I like big butts" to him.

Gaby: *sighs* Okay. *walks up to Chiron* *sings "I like big butts"*

Chiron: *looks stunned*

Gaby: *walks back* *glares* Will, truth or dare?

Will: Umm, truth I guess.

Gaby: Do you love Nico?

Will: I honestly don't know. I might.

Gaby: Close enough.

Will: Nico, truth or dare?

Nico: Dare.

Will: I dare you to paint the Aphrodite cabin black.

Nico: Okay. *paints the Aphrodite cabin black*.

Aphrodite cabin: Get him? *throw makeup at / try to charmspeak Nico*

Nico: *runs back to group* Done. Hazel, truth or dare?

Hazel: Dare I guess.

Nico: I dare you to do three cartwheels.

Hazel: Okay! *does three cartwheels* Done! Frank, truth or dare?

Frank: Truth.

Hazel: If you could choose a different godly parent who would it be?

Frank: Apollo. Ayla, truth or dare?

Ayla: Dare.

Frank: I dare you to do the chicken dance.

Ayla: *does the chicken dance* * threatens to kill everybody after they laugh at her* Thalia, truth or dare?

Thalia: Truth.

Ayla: Are you really afraid of heights.

Thalia: Yes, but I'm trying to get over it. Calypso, truth or dare?

Calypso: Truth.

Thalia: Do you remember very single person that's ever been on Ogygia?

Calypso: No, at least, not any more. Leo, truth or dare?

Leo: Dare!

Calypso: I dare you to tell Chiron about every single prank you've pulled at camp.

Leo: Please no! *magical force forces him to Chiron, and Veritaserum is placed on him* *starts confessing*

*One hour later*

Leo: And then we went to Zeus's fist and that's all!

Chiron: No crafting for a month!

Leo: *walks back* Calypso, I'm mad at you.

Calypso: I know.

Leo: *glares* Anyways, Ryan, truth or dare?

Ryan: Dare.

Leo: I dare you to sing " Let it Go" to Mr. D.

Ryan: *walks over to Mr. D* *sings "Let if Go" *walks back* Piper, truth or dare?

Piper: Truth!

Ryan: If you couldn't date Jason and you had to date someone else in this very place! Who would it be?

Piper: Umm, ummm, ummm, probablypercybutdon'ttellJason.

Ryan: Okay then. Well,I guess that's all!

Thalia: Thanks for reading!

Gaby: And writing you amaZHANG books!

Ayla: And commenting!

Ryan: And voting!

Jada: Keep being the rainbow sparkly unicorns you are!

Nico: Before we go, please read gabythomas543 's books!

Calypso: And please read Jada's new book called "One Day".

Everybody: Later!

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