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Jason: Hey guys!

Piper: Today we're going to do a dare.

Jada: Well it's not really meant for us, it's mostly meant for-

Random Person: *annoyed* Nobody needs to know yet.

Wisegirl756 : Anyways, let's get on with our dare!

Thalia: Are you sure? I think it's kind of funny.

Leo: *reads the dare* *laughs* No, we should read the dare.

demigods_rule55 : The dare's from Ryan .

Percy: The dare is..........

Ryan: I dare Thalia to IM Artemis and kiss Luke in front of her.

Ayla: No. No, no, and no.

Hazel: Look at Thalia.

Frank: Is she okay?

Calypso: Probably, but she might need some one to help wake her up.

Will: I guess I'm the doctor here.

Nico: I can raise Luke. Will some one get me a-

Gaby: Happy Meal!


Nico: You guys scare me.

Gaby: Yeah, that happens some times.

demigods_rule55 : It's just what fangirls do.

Ryan: And fanboys!

Will: I think she's awake!

Thalia: *sits up* Please go away. *walks off*

Annabeth: If nobody minds I think I'm going to follow her.

Wisegirl756 : Okay, good bye Annabeth!

Percy: Yeah, make sure you don't get killed!

Jada: Annabeth just morse coded; Shut up Seaweed Brain!

Leo: You guys know Morse code, and you didn't tell me!

Calypso: I don't think it ever came up in conversation.

Jason: I wanna learn Morse code!

Piper: We all should!

Will: I see Gaby! She has the Happy Meal!

Ayla: I'm going to go IM Artemis. *walks off*


Percy: Okay, bye Ayla!

Ayla: Bye!

Gaby: I've got the Happy Meal!

Nico: Good, (I'm not going it out exactly what he says) I summon Luke.

Luke: Whoa, what the heck just happened here?

Will: You're here for a dare.

demigods_rule55 : The dare's from Ryan

Calypso: The dare is...

Ryan : I dare Thalia to IM Artemis and kiss Luke in front of her.

Jason: We would introduce ourselves, but I'm kind of mad at you 'cause you're gonna kiss my sister!

Piper: Calm down there Fido!

Leo: We need to get Thalia here.

Wisegirl756 : Annabeth as well!

Thalia: *walks out* Oh my-

Annabeth: *walks out* But-

Jada: I'm going to do something. *walks over to Luke* *slaps him gently* What the heck bro! We could've used you!


Luke: I think that you shouldn't have slapped me!

Jada: Come at me bro! You little traitor wimp of a-

Annabeth: Jada, calm down.

Wisegirl756 : Thalia, are you ready to kiss him.

Thalia: No.

Leo: To bad 'cause you have to anyways!

Calypso: You are ridiculous.

Piper: They all are.

Hazel: Sometimes Frank is, but not a lot.

Frank: What- I'm never ridiculous.

Jason: Just grow to accept it.

Ayla: *comes back with a bunch of drachmas* Somebody please make the puddle. My arms are too full.

Percy: *Makes the puddle* Okay!

Will: I still don't see a rainbow.

Gaby: *makes puddle slightly larger* There's a rainbow now!

Nico: Okay, let's call Artemis.

demigods_rule55 : (I'm going to skip the O' Iris part again) Artemis.

Artemis: Hello my huntresses and others.

Ayla: It's a dare.

Artemis: What?

Luke: *kisses Thalia on the cheek*

Artemis: For that Luke is going back to the underworld. *sends Luke to underworld*

Thalia: Well I guess that's it.

Wisegirl756 : Thanks for reading!

Ayla : And writing your amazing books!

Jiper: And commenting!

Solangelo: And voting!.

demigods_rule55 : Keep being the rainbow sparkly unicorns you are!

Percabeth : Please read Jada's books!

Frazel : And gabythomas543 's books!

Caleo: And CypherIllusion 's books!

Gaby: For a shout out like these just ask in the comments!

Jada: HunterOfChaos I'm sorry it's taking so long to update yours, but I should get it done.

Everyone: Later!

(I made a face!)
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