Dumb blonde

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Percy: Hey, today we are gonna do a dare.

Thalia: It's from aylasbooks .

Jason: The dare is...

aylasbooks : I dare Annabeth to act like a dumb blonde for an hour.

Piper: It might help if we take her to meditate before doing the dare.

Jada: I feel so sorry for you Annabeth, but I'm still going to have to shun you for the hour you act dumb.

gabythomas543 : But that's not a rule!

Jada: I know that, but if you act dumb after a while you become dumb. If she becomes an idiot, it will disgrace Athena's name.

Will: Okay then.

Nico: You said I was harsh.

Jada: I'm sorry Nico.

Nico: It's okay dude.

Hazel: Anyways, Piper and Annabeth are coming out of the Aphrodite cabin.

Calypso: What in the Hades is that?

Leo: Shield your eyes!

Percy: I'm just gonna go to my cabin now.

aylasbooks and gabythomas543 : I'll go with you.

Jada: I'm going to leave now.

CypherIllusion : What the Hades? Just because you're acting dumb, doesn't mean you have to have clown makeup on.

Leo: Very true bro. I'm going to go back to Calypso at the Dining Pavilion.

CypherIllusion : I'll go with you.

Piper: She talked to one of the dumb blondes.

Jason: Wow, she seriously went all out for this didn't she?

Will: I'm gonna go to the Volleyball Court. Nico, do you want to come?

Nico: Anywhere is better than here.

Hazel: I guess Frank and I will stay with you three.

Frank: Sure.

Jiper: Thanks.

*One hour later*

Annabeth: Now get this awfulness off of me!

Piper: Okay, okay!

Thalia: Hey, I just got back. What's- What in the Hades happened to you?

Hazel: It was a dare to act like a dumb blonde for an hour.

Thalia: Well, she looks dumb too. Can you guys please get the makeup off of her?

Piper: I'm trying! Frank, Jason, would you please go get the makeup remover jars from my cabin?

Frank: You have jars of makeup remover?

Piper: Yeah, I used about six jars when Aphrodite put me under the beauty curse.

Jason: Yeah, we will go get the makeup remover. Where is it?

Piper: Under the sink!

Annabeth: Please hurry up!

Jada: *walks out of the Athena cabin* It's been about an hour.

Thalia: Did you use a timer or something?

Jada: No.

Thalia: *looks at Annabeth*

Annabeth: She's just a little weird.

Thalia: Okay then.

Jason: *comes back carrying about two gallons of makeup remover*

Frank the elephant: *Comes back with about twenty gallons of makeup remover*

Annabeth: Thank goodness!

*Makeup is completely cleaned off of Annabeth*

Annabeth: Thanks, and please read!

Jiper: And comment!

Frazel: And vote!

Jada: And keep being the sparkly unicorns you are!

Thalia: Later!

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