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Ryan: Hey there!

Calypso: Today we are going to do a dare from Ayla.

Thalia: Oh, and by the way, Jason and Piper are at Camp Jupiter for this one.

Frank: Anyways, the dare is...

Ayla: To Will, how long have you loved Nico?

Will: Umm, well, it's just that, you see-

Leo: Bro, just spit it out already!

Will: I, um, I've had a crush on Nico since the battle of the Titans.

Nico: Will, I didn't really talk to you before the battle with the Titans.

Jada: *pulls out video of Will just watching Nico*

Gaby: Nico, you have your very own stalker.

Will: I was not and am not a stalker.

Gaby: Sure you aren't. Sure you aren't. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Percy: Hey, Gaby? Did you have your morning tea?

Gaby: Ummm, I don't know.

Annabeth: Let's go get some tea just in case.

Nico: Back to to the topic at hand, Will we need to talk.

Will: Just for the record I am not a stalker!

Hazel: Nico, just be careful.

Will: I am not a stalker.

Ryan: Come on, let's go to therapy. They'll help you. *walks with Nico and Will to the Apollo cabin*

Jada: Okay, so Annabeth, Gaby, Percy, Piper, Nico, Jason, Will, and Ryan have left. Am I correct?

Hazel: No, while Nico and Will were arguing Ayla and Thalia got requested by Artemis.

Jada: Oh, I always wanted to become a huntress, but then I would have to leave my family.

Calypso: Well, anyways, a big please and thank you for reading!

Leo: And commenting!

Frank: And writing all of your awesome books!

Hazel: And voting!

Jada: Keep being your rainbow sparkly unicorn selves!

*Annabeth, Gaby, and Percy reappear*

Percy: Hey!

Gaby: Before we leave, I would like to ask you to read my books at gabythomas543 !

Annabeth: Jada is writing a General Fiction book called "One Day" that she would love for you to read if you could!

Percy: Does that mean that we won't be in it?

Jada: Yeah, sorry.

Gaby: Well, I guess it's okay because this book will still be here.

Percy: Yeah, I guess.

Everyone: Later!

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