Water and Fire. Fire and Water.

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(A.N. I saw the Tardis from Doctor Who and I was freaking out and I don't know why I put this here, but I was so excited and I looked inside and eek!)

Ryan: Hi there!

Will: Today we are going to do a dare.

Nico: The dare is from Ayla.

Piper: The dare is....

Ayla: What would happen if Leo threw fire at Percy, and Percy threw water at Leo?

Percy: I don't know, Leo?

Leo: I don't know either.

Jada: Let's test it out!

Annabeth: I'm not sure if that's the most safe thing to-

Thalia: We know that Annabeth, we just want to see Leo drenched in water.

Gaby: Can Leo even throw fire far enough to reach Percy?

demigods_rule55 : *looks at a plate of blue cookies**slowly starts to walk towards them**looks around**starts gulping down the cookies*

Ayla: Hey! Don't eat all the blue cookies! *starts nibbling on the cookies*

Jason: And back to the dare...

Hazel: First we have to find a place to do the dare question mix.

Frank: How about by the beach?

Calypso: No, Percy would have the upper hand there. How about in the middle of the cabins?

Jason: No, Hestia would get really angry at us for destroying or dousing her hearth.

Calypso: Ummm, well, maybe near the volley ball courts?

Piper: That sounds good! Let's go!

Random voice: We're going on a mission, a mission, a mission, a brand new mission! What's it gonna be? Go to get your mission, your mission, your mission, your brand new mission! Can't wait to see! Log out.

Annabeth: We already have our mission, and why would we need to 'log out'?

demigods_rule55 : *finishes another blue cookie* Tsk, tsk, you've been in this camp too long!

Jada: Annabeth, it's from Phineas and Ferb.

Hazel: What is that?

Gaby: Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's a TV show!

Frank: And...

Nico: I've watched it before. It's about a kid with a triangle head.

Ryan: Nico! It's not just about that!

Will: It kind of is.

Percy: No, it's about how "Summer belongs to you!"

Thalia: Like Nico said, I'm still with the triangle thing. Well, also about a sister that constantly tries to "bust" her brothers.

Ayla: I can't believe where they find the money to make all of this stuff!

Jada: I can't believe why she hasn't busted them already! If she had just taken the poster in the first episode she would've been over it by now.

Leo: But remember the episode where they DO do that and the world is all bad and stuff?

Jada: Yes, but the point still stands that she could have done it a bit more logically.

Gaby: What were we talking about?

Ayla: I asked what would would happen if Leo threw fire at Percy, and Percy threw water at Leo.

Thalia: In all of the confusion, we finally got to the volleyball courts!

Jason: Can I be one of the sports announcers?

Piper: It depends. Wait! The cheering's started!

demigods_rule55 : Go Percy!!!!!

Ryan: Go Leo!!!!!!!!!

Percy: *throws water at Leo*

Frank: Percy goes with the direct approach.

Leo: *steams the water*

Calypso: And Leo bounces back!

Leo: *throws fire again*

Annabeth: Leo is using this direct approach style too! Who will win?

Percy: *douses the fire*

Hazel: And Percy is using this classic yet useful retort!

Leo: *makes a fire ball that moves*

Nico: And we're trying a new technique over in the Leo corner.

Percy: *surrounds himself with a layer of water that extinguishes the fire and douses the water*

Will: Percy is using the defense strategy!

Percy: *covers Leo with a layer of water then lets it splash on him* I win!

demigods_rule55 : *runs off with a plate of cookies* *maniacally laughs*

Gaby: Give me the cookie RIGHT NOW!!!!! *goes and tries to get the cookies away from demigods_rule55 * You will regret stealing my cookies!

Ryan: Any who, that's what happens when we have two people throwing water and fire at each other!

Ayla: Well, I guess that answers my question. Yay!

Percabeth: Thanks for reading!

Frazel: And writing the amazing books you people write!

Jiper: And commenting!!!!

Thalia: And voting!

Caleo: Keep being the rainbow sparkly unicorns you are!

Solangelo: And if you get the chance please read gabythomas543 's books and Jada's other books too if you get the chance!

Everyone: Later!

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