Fire retardance

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Jason: Before we start, Percy asked me to tell you that he and Annabeth are going to Camp Jupiter to check out their college.

Gaby: Aw. Well, anyways, today we're going to do a dare.

Will: The dare is going to be from Ayla.

Nico: The dare is...

Ayla: Leo, is there anything that you can't set on fire?

Leo: Good question! I don't know.

Jada: Let's get a bunch of stuff that we don't think he could set on fire. One item each person!

Calypso: Wait, can we make it something he won't burn.

Frank: Sure I guess.

Piper: Okay! Ready, Set, Go!

*Everyone but Leo runs to their cabin to get something*

*Athena's Cabin*

Jada: I'll beat you Annabe- wait, she's not here. Boo. I'll get a fire retardant box, fill it with water, and spray that stuff from the fire extinguisher on it.

*Poseidon's Cabin*

Gaby: Can we be in teams?

Random voice: If in your cabin, you can partner up if both parties choose to.

Ayla: So Gaby, what should we do?

Gaby: I don't know.

Ayla: I bet we can just make a water ball.

Gaby: Yeah! That's a really good idea!

Ayla: Thank you.

*Apollo's Cabin*

Will: Umm, I guess a rock might work.

*Hades/Pluto Cabin*

Nico: Okay, so how about some obsidian.

Hazel: Yeah, I don't really know all too much about obsidian though.

Nico: Are you sure you're okay with using it then?

Hazel: Yes, I'm okay with it.

Nico: Okay, I guess we'll use it then.

*Zeus/Jupiter Cabin*

Jason: Something with the wind.

Thalia: If we shoot a jet of wind really fast Leo won't be able to set it on fire or we could just make a cloud.

Jason: Probably the cloud.

Thalia: Okay.

*Mars Cabin*

Frank: A phoenix! I just have to turn into one so that I can find one. I've got this.

*Hephaestus's Cabin*

Ryan: I bet I can make something that'll be fire proof. *starts building*

*Aphrodite's Cabin*

Piper: *laughs* I bet Drew has some fire proof lip stick.

Drew: Have you seen my fire proof lipstick, I need a new weapon from the Hephaestus Cabin.

Piper: *finds the lipstick* *doesn't tell Drew*

*At the Big House*

Calypso: *knits six fire proof shirts* *sews them all together*

*Back to Leo*

Leo: Yay! You're back!

Thalia: Who got you to stay there?

Leo: Nobody, I was helping make a flying backpack.

Ryan: Where did you get my blue prints?

Leo: They were on your bed side table.

Hazel: So are you ready it try to burn things?

Leo: Yup.

Jada: *brings out the box*

Leo: *tries to burn the box* Good job Jada! I can't burn it. The flame just stops at the foam stuff.

Gaby and Ayla: *makes a water ball*

Leo: *tries to burn it* It steamed. I guess that's a tie.

Will: *Gives him the rock*

Leo: *burns it* I win.

Nico and Hazel: *brings out Obsidian*

Leo:*tries to burn it* It didn't work. (I got this idea from minecraft)

Jason and Thalia: *makes a cloud*

Leo: *tries to burn it* No fair! I can't burn air!

Frank: *flies back as a Phoenix with a Phoenix*

Leo:* burns it* It burned, but it didn't die. Another tie.

Ryan: *brings back fire proof object*

Leo: *can't set it on fire* Nice job bro!

Piper: *brings back the lipstick*

Leo:*laughs, tries to burn it* Why can't I burn this?

Calypso: *Brings back the sweaters*

Leo:*Burns them* Sorry.

Calypso: How? How can you do that?

Random voice: It's magic. Anyways, the winners are Jada, Nico, Hazel, Thalia, Jason, Ryan, and Piper.

Winners: Yay!

Thalia: So please and thank you for reading!

Frazel: And writing your amazing books!

Jiper: And commenting!

Solangelo: And voting.

Ayla: Keep being the rainbow-

Ryan: Sparkly-

Caleo: Unicorns you are!

Jada: Before we leave, please read gabythomas543 's books!

Gaby: And please read Jada's new books too!

Everyone: Later!

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