Memes, really original.

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Percy: Hey guys, it's me! The living meme!

Leo: In reality, Jada is really lazy and this was the first thing that popped into her head.

Jada: And due to my laziness it's going to be really short until you SEND ME SOME TRUTHS OR DARES. Also, again because of laziness, this will be all guys as soon as I do something and disappear. (Also because I couldn't think of enough stuffs(memes)).

Frank: What are memes?

Jason: I have an odd feeling we're about to find out.

Jada: So smart! *throws meme dust* *leaves*

Percy: Wh- why am I dead?

Grover: HARAMBE!!!!!!!!!

Percy: Grover!

Grover: Hey, Percy! I'm here to tell everybody that if anything on here offends them, then Jada is sorry. She's just going off of popular memes. *leaves*

Nico: Why am I wearing a yellow sweater? And what's wrong with my hand?

Will: Why do I keep zooming into thing and yelling triggered?

Jason: My arm is stuck like this and it's awkward and I can't see anything and one of my arms is getting tired from being in the air for so long and..

Frank: I can do it! I am the ultimate, wait, why do I look kind of angry. And I'm making a fist?

Leo: Bork! Much dog. Very meme. (All dog memes ever. My favorites other than fandom ones.)

Percy: Votes out for Harambe if you knew what everybody was.

Jason: Thanks for reading!

Nico: And commenting. Which you should do because Jada needs suggestions on what to do. This was original. Not good, am I right?

Will: Thanks for voting!

Frank: And for writing your own stuff, because we love to read everything.

Grover: Not done yet. Here's your blue cookies, just for reading. ( : : )

Leo: Much Rainbow Sparkly. Very unicorn.

Everybody: Later!

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