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Thalia: Hello my people!

Calypso: What's up?

Thalia: Today we will-

Leo: Answer a question about-

Calypso: Don't be rude Leo.

Everyone but Leo: Yeah!

Thalia: Nutella!

Percy: Why in the world would someone ask a question about Nutella?

Annabeth: Well, it doesn't really matter does it Percy?

Percy: Whatever.

Annabeth: Excuse me Seaweed Brain!

Percy: Sorry Annabeth.

Hazel: Today we will be meeting two new members.

Frank: Jada! Daughter of Athena. Blessed by Artemis. Descendant of a bunch of other gods and goddesses that I'm too tired to say!

Jada: Thank you Frank.

Piper: Next we have gabythomas543 ! Our famous question asker!

Jason: She's daughter of Poseidon and descendant of a bunch of different gods and goddesses that I honestly can't even think of right now.

gabythomas543 : Hey!

Annabeth: Our question today is from gabythomas543 .

Nico: Why are you so obsessed with my love life?

gabythomas543 : Not just YOUR love life! Will's love life too!

Will: Okay then.

Leo: To everybody, do you like Nutella?

Jada: Yeah, I've only had it a few times though. By the way Annabeth, nice to meet you! You are epic!

Annabeth: Thank you. Nutella's okay.

Percy: My mom used to make blue Nutella.

Everyone but Percy: Seriously?

Percy: Yeah!

gabythomas543 : I love Nutella!

Will: Nutella tastes good.

Nico: I don't really like it.

Jason: I only tried it once, but I guess it was okay.

Piper: I love Nutella, but it doesn't really taste like chocolate.

Thalia: I know right!

Calypso: I've never had it.

Leo: Me neither, Calypso do you want to go find some?

Calypso: Sure!

Frank: Nutella is pretty darn good.

Hazel: The first time I ever had it was a really hot day, so I think I associate it with too hot of weather.

Thalia: Okay then!

Percabeth: Later!

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