First Dare!

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Hazel: Today thanks to our wonderful question asker,

Frank: and now our dare giver,

Hazel: gabythomas543

gabythomas543 : Thank you, this is going to be fun!

Jada: Anyway, the dare is-

Leo: For Nico, I dare you to-

Calypso: Leo you are being completely rude! Please stop interrupting people.

Leo: But Calypso! I never get to say anything!

Calypso:Well, maybe that's because you talk to much in the beginning! Jada, please continue.

Jada: To Nico, I dare you to act like a fangirl when someone mentions Nutella.

Nico: What?

Thalia: This is going to be epic!

Jada: I know right!

Gaby: Totally!

Nico: I hate you all.

Hazel: Nico, please be more polite.

Will: I agree with Hazel, Nico please be more nice!

Nico: Okay, whatever.

Leo: Ha, ha, ha! Nico just got TOLD!

Calypso: Leo! What did I tell you about politeness?

Frank: Leo just got-

Hazel: Frank? Politeness.

Frank: I'm sorry Hazel, and Leo too I guess.

Percy: This is hilarious, anyways Nutella!

Nico: *Starts jumping up and down while screaming* *Five minutes later* Are we done now?

Jason: I didn't know anyone could squeak that loudly!

Piper: And jump so much! Gods! What is he even saying?

Jason: Has he gone insane?

Piper: Is he having a stroke? I'm scared now.

Annabeth: That was really funny.

Percy: I agree! Nico you should've seen your face!

Annabeth, Nico, Hazel, and Will: Percy!

Percy: Sorry, sorry!

Will: Anyway, are we done here?

Thalia: Not yet. Nutella!

Nico: *Starts fangirling*

Everyone but Nico and Thalia: Seriously?

Jiper: Later!

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