Lego Competition

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Jada: HEYO!! Since we don't have any more suggestions to do, I decided to be creative again. To counter the last one I made all by myself, this is ALL GIRLS.

Thalia: Also because the guys didn't want to lose.

Reyna: That, too.

Hazel: Any who, today we are having a Lego tower building competition.

Piper: We have a special guest with us as well, welcome Rachel!

Rachel: Hello!

Calypso: Today we'll be paired into groups of two.

Annabeth: Let's do this!

Jada: I'll be teamed with Thalia as Team Forever Alone. Reyna and Hazel will be teamed together as Team Jupiter. Piper and Calypso will be teamed together as Team Beautiful AF. And last but not least, Annabeth and Rachel will be teamed up together as Team Awesome.

Rachel: Yeah!

Reyna: The point is that whoever makes the tallest and sturdiest tower in 2 minutes, wins.

Piper: Sounds good! Begin in three, two, one!

*Everybody builds towers*

Team Forever Alone: 4'7 ft. tall, but somewhat weak. 7/10
Team Jupiter: 3 ft. tall, but reasonably strong. 6.5/10
Team Beautiful AF: 4'1 ft. tall, not as strong as Jupiter's, but still strong. 8/10
Team Awesome: So strong a horse could sit or stand directly on it, but only 2 ft. tall. 7.5/10

Congratulations Team Beautiful AF!

Jada: Sorry this was short and it's been a month. I don't even have any decent excuses at this point. I'm just lazy. Anyways, for your question: What's your favorite instrument? Thanks for reading! Here's some blue cookies.... ( : : ) ( : : ) Bye, my rainbow sparkly unicorns!

Everybody: Later!

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