Underwear boy

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Percy: Hello there!

Annabeth: Today we're going to do a dare.

Piper: The dare is from aylasbooks .

Calypso: The dare is...

aylasbooks : I dare Jason to fly around with underwear on his head.

Jason: Seriously?

CypherIllusion : *comes out of the Zeus cabin holding a pair of Jason's underwear* Are you ready?

Jada: Yay, *runs and gets camera* this is going to be fun!

gabythomas543 : CypherIllusion , you got the wrong pair! Get a pair from the second drawer.

Jason: How do you know where my underwear is?

gabythomas543 : A little birdie told me.

Thalia: *snickers*

Jason: Thalia! What the Hades?

Thalia: Sorry little bro!

CypherIllusion : *comes out with underwear*

Percy: Where are Hazel and Frank?

Annabeth: They went to Camp Jupiter for a weekend to make sure everything was good there.

Nico and Will: *comes back with McDonalds ice cream*

Nico: What's up?

Jada: Just give me the ice cream.

Will: I'm sorry, but we didn't buy any more.

Jada: *twitches* Why in Tartarus would you not buy us some ice cream!

gabythomas543 : Jada, it's okay. Calm down.

Jada: I don't want to calm down!

Jason: At least you don't have to put underwear on your head.

Annabeth: At this point it is probably best to leave her alone.

Leo: Anyways, put the underwear on his head!

CypherIllusion : *Walks out and puts the underwear on Jason*

Calypso: Okay. Ready, set, fly!

Jason: *flies around Camp Half-Blood*

Leo: This is great footage!

Calypso: Leo, you really should stop filming that.

Leo: Why?

Calypso: Because if you don't I will hit you with it until you beg for forgiveness.

Leo: Okay. *passes camera to Percy secretly*

Jason: *Lands* Okay, O guess that's it for today.

aylasbooks : I'm sorry Jason, but that was funny.

Piper: I know right! He looked like an underwear superman, and boys you are not going to make any comment to the superman comment. I don't care if it was yours first.

Percabeth: Anyways, please and thank you for...

Thalia: Commenting!

Caleo: And voting!

Jiper: And especially reading!

CypherIllusion and aylasbooks : And writing!

gabythomas543 and Jada: Keep being the sparkly unicorns you are!

Solangelo: Later!

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