Frank's animals

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Jason: Hey there!

Piper: Before we start, we'd just like you to know Calypso and Leo are gone.

Ryan: They went to a historical garden event type thing.

Annabeth: In other news, we have a dare today!

Thalia: The dare is coming from Ayla.

Percy: The dare is....

Ayla: To Frank, can you turn into anything other than an animal?

Frank: I'll try. *turns into Hazel*

Hazel: What?

Jada: That's epic! Can you turn into me?

Gaby: Ooh, you should turn into me!

Nico: Could you turn into a mythomagic card?

Will: Or maybe one of the cabins?

Frank: I can only do so much!

Annabeth: True, but it's really cool how you can turn into almost any thing.

Jada: Yeah.

Ayla: So I guess that's my answer.

Gaby: That didn't take as long as it usually does.

Ryan: Yeah, but it was still super fun!

Percy: Wait, how about we pull a prank on Mr. D?

Thalia: How do you plan to do that?

Jason: Oh! I get it. We could pretend that Frank is Zeus and tell Mr. D that he is restricted to only eating broccoli and he can only drink water.

Piper: Yeah! That's an awesome plan guys!

Hazel: Are you sure this will turn out okay?

Nico: I think so.

Will: It depends on his mood.

Percy: Yeah. Let's try it!

Ryan: I'll get Mr.D to come! *runs off*

Gaby: Are you ready to turn?

Frank: *turns into Zeus*

Hazel: Frank, you scare me sometimes.

Nico: You look like the Zeus on my mytho-

Will: Why are you all of a suddenly playing mythomagic again?

Jada: Because he found the cards again.

Thalia: When did he lose them?

Annabeth: The first time he mentioned losing them was right before we went to the Labyrinth. (Not mentioned in books)

Ayla: Anyways, here comes Mr. D!

Jason: Mr. D we think that's Zeus over there! *points to Frank*

Mr. D: He is. Go scram mortals.

Piper: Okay. *runs off and hides with everyone else*

Jada: Percy, is the camera set up?

Percy: I think so.

Ryan: *gives Percy a tutorial on how to use the camera*

Annabeth: Make sure your thumb isn't over the lense.

Ayla: I guess he really can turn into anything I guess.

Thalia: Yeah, it's weird isn't it.

Hazel: It's also kind of scary.

Jason: Look at Mr. D!

Mr. D: But Zeus it wasn't me I swear! I had no alcohol!

Frank: It is of no matter.

Piper: He's really convincing!

Will: This bush is scratching me.

Nico: Do you mind if Will and I leave.

Gaby: Yes.

Nico: Why?

Percy: You can leave, just be careful.

Will: *starts to glare at Percy* *sighs* Come on Nico, let's leave.

Piper: *charmspeaks* Look at Frank!

Everyone: *looks at Frank*

Jason: *shakes it off* Piper, I think you charmspoke.

*people start to shake off the charm power*

Annabeth: Frank's leaving!

Thalia: Is Mr. D crying?

Gaby: Yes, yes he is.

Ryan: I guess that's everything.

Jada: Yeah, by the way, thank you so much Ayla! You are our main question/dare giver!

Ayla: You're welcome.

Gaby: So, thank you for reading!

Ryan: And writing the amazing books you people write!

Jiper: And commenting!

Jada: And voting!

Percabeth: Keep being the rainbow sparkly unicorns you are!

Frazel: Before we leave, please read gabythomas543 's books.

Solangelo: *Reappears* Please read Jada's new book called "One Day"!

Everyone: Later!

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