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gabythomas543 : Hey there!

Percy: Today we're gonna do a dare.

Frank: Hey! Hazel and I are back!

Hazel: Hey guys! We missed you!

Calypso: We missed you too!

Leo: Anyways, the dare is from aylasbooks .

Thalia: The dare is...

aylasbooks : I dare everyone to tell a secret no one knew before. (With the exception of Jada because she writes these and yourself)

aylasbooks : I'll go first. You guys can call me Ayla.

Leo: What's with people and changing their names?

Jason: What?

CypherIllusion : Mine is that my name is Ryan.

Piper: Oh...

Nico: Okay.

Jada: I am currently trying to balance "The Classic Treasures of Bulfinche's Mythology" which is a book about Greek Mythology between my toes.

Nico: How is that a secret?

Jada: Did any of you know it?

Will: No, but-

Annabeth: My secret is that I have a Teddy Bear in my trunk.

Piper: I bet it's cute!

Annabeth: He, he is cute.

Will: Why does he have to be male?

Annabeth: He just is!

Percy: Moving on, my secret is that, because Grover isn't here so he doesn't count, the night after Aunty Em's I first found out that Grover's dad was dead.

Annabeth: I didn't find that out until I knew him for about a year.

Percy: Well, he was, is, my best friend.

Thalia: When I first met Percy's mom, I liked her better than I ever liked my mom.

*Sally randomly appears*

Sally: Thank you Thalia!

Thalia: You're welcome!

Sally: Bye Percy, I love you! Bye Annabeth! By Percy's friends!

Everyone: Bye!

*Sally disappears*

Aylas: Percy, your mom is awesome!

Percy: Thanks!

Nico: Moving on, I legitimately thought that Zeus had six hundred power point in real life.

Percy: I thought that was a joke.

Nico: Well, it wasn't.

Will: Because I like Nico, I was the second homosexual demigod introduced in the book series. (I'm not 100% sure if it's true. I read it somewhere.)

Hazel: My secret is that my best memory of Sammy Valdez is when we were riding horses.

Leo: I use my jokes to hide my inner emotional pain.

Frank: What?

Leo: Nothing.

Frank: Anyways, my secret is that I've always liked Hazel.

Hazel: Thanks Frank!

Frank: *blushes*

Jason: After being stabbed whenever I sat up my insides felt like they were being twirled on a giant spaghetti fork.

Percy: Okay then.

Piper: When I was leading the Gemini I thought at first that the noise that was Gaea was really my own heartbeat.

gabythomas543 : My real name is Gaby.

Leo: Oh my Gods, what's with the name changing around here?

Ryan: Sheesh.

Jada: Please and thank you for reading/writing!

Ayla: And commenting!

Gaby: And voting!

Ryan: Keep being the rainbow sparkly unicorns you are!

*please go read gabythomas543 's "Ask the Demigods"*

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