Percy dies

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(I kind of got the title from HunterOfChaos ish)
Percy: What the Tartarus is happening here?

Hazel: I'm sure it has some secret meaning Percy. It is okay.

Piper: Yeah, now let's do the usual greeting!

Jason: Hey there!

Frank: Today we're going to do a dare from Ayla!

Will: The dare is...

Ayla: I dare Annabeth to tell Athena she's pregnant.

Nico: At least it's not me.

Gaby: Yeah, I WANT NICO TO BE PREGGERS *whispers* and to make out with me.

Jada: Sorry, but I can't do that. The Solangelo ship is just to strong.

Leo: Anyways, I guess that's what the 'Percy dies' thing is about.

Annabeth: I'm against this, but I guess I'll do it.

Wisegirl756 : It's okay sis, I'm sure you and Percy will be okay.

Thalia: Ryan, would you please go get the drachmas?

Ryan: Sure. *runs off to get drachmas*

demigods_rule55 : So, should Ayla and I use water to control the water?

Calypso: I read the dare and Frank is supposed to do it.

Frank: I can't control water.

Hazel: Frank, you can turn into a dragon!

Ayla: Okay, demigods_rule55 and I can hold her off while Frank turns into a dragon.

Gaby: What about me and Percy?

Wisegirl756 : Percy can't because he'll be hiding.

Calypso: But you can, Gaby.

demigods_rule55 : Okay, so Ayla, Gaby, and I will hold her off?

Jason: Yeah.

Thalia: Annabeth, how are you feeling?

Annabeth: I'm feeling sick to my stomach.

Leo: Good answer, you really need to sell this whole pregnancy thing!

Piper: Be quiet Leo.

Percy: If you want, Annabeth, I can be there with you.

Jada: That's probably not the best idea. Even though it's just an IM Athena can still kill you.

Nico: Especially if she knows where you are.

Will: Yeah, is Ryan here yet with the drachmas?

Ryan: *runs back with drachmas* Are you guys ready?

Annabeth: Yeah, I guess.

Percy: Never mind, I'll go stand with you.

Jason: No man, you're no allowed to.

Gaby: Where does it say he's not allowed to? (She probably wouldn't actually say this)

Piper: It doesn't exactly say it, but it's still a bad idea.

Hazel: Percy, you can't go with her!

Leo: Guys, it's just an IM.

Calypso: The point still stands.

Jada: Okay, let's resolve this. Percy, you're going to hide in that corner if I have to pin you down there my self!

Wisegirl756 : Piper you can charm speak him.

Ryan: I'll make a fire ring around him.

Nico: *summons six zombies* These should help.

Will: I'll patrol.

Ayla: Okay, (I'm going to skip the O Iris part as usual) Athena.

Athena: Oh, hello Annabeth.

Annabeth: Hi mother.

Athena: Why are you and your little friends here?

Annabeth: Mom, I'm pregnant.


demigods_rule55 : Okay, *starts spraying Athena*.

Frank: *turns into a dragon and distracts Athena for a millisecond*

Thalia: It was just a dare!

Athena: *stops* How dare you puny mortals-

Annabeth: Bye mom, love you! *turns off IM*

Piper: *stops charm speaking*

Ryan: *turns out fire*

Nico: *puts the zombies back in the Underworld*

Will: *walks away*

Thalia and Jason: I guess that's it for today!

Annabeth, Wisegirl756 , and Jada: Thank you for reading!

Leo and Ryan: And commenting!

Calypso: And voting!

Frank: And writing the amaZHANG books you people write!

Percy, Gaby, demigods_rule55 , and Ayla: Keep being the fluffy unicorns you are!

Hazel and Nico: Please read gabythomas543 's books and Jada's books if up you get the chance!.

Piper: If you want a shout out like this just ask!

Will: Thank you again for reading!

Everyone: Later!

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