The highest IQ EVER

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Will: Hey guys!

Nico: Today we're going to answer a question.

Jason: The question's from Ayla.

Piper: The question is...

Ayla: How smart is Annabeth?

Annabeth: I don't know. I've never taken an IQ test.

Leo: Why don't you know?

Thalia: She was five when we picked her up.

Hazel: Seriously! I am so sorry.

Percy: You know, the usual evil parents always get you down.

Frank: I feel sorry for you guys.

Calypso: There is so much sadness in our story. It's just, so depressing.

Ryan: Quit! You're being sad.

demigods_rule55 : Calypso, we can take you to a psychologist.

Wisegirl756 : We should all go to a psychologist!

Jada: That sounds like fun! I wanna go to the padded room.

Gaby: That's the asylum, not the psychologist.


Thalia: Okay, let's get back on topic.

Ayla: Annabeth, so, what should we do?

Annabeth: Well, it would probably be best to-

Jada: Take an IQ test!

Hazel: Why do we always steal everybody's-

Leo: Lines! Around-

Frank: Here! I mean-

Percy: It's a serious-

Ryan: Problem that should be handled-

Calypso: Can we please just go back to the topic?

demigods_rule55 : Yeah! I'll get the tester thing for a blue cookie.

Gaby: I'll do it for a blue cookie!

Anybody else: No, and it's important to the plot line that she gets it.

Nico: Um, why don't Will and I get it so that we don't start a feud?

Will: That sounds like a better plan.

Random Voice: No, Jiper must do it.

Piper: Before anyone asks, Jiper is Jason's and mine's ship name.

Jason: Okay, let's go than. Bye.

People: Bye!


Ryan: So... who are we comparing Annabeth to?

Jada: 250-300 is the highest IQ documented.

Wisegirl756 : At least we think, this is counted as an might be true, might not be true website.

Percy: I bet Annabeth's even smarter than that!

Annabeth: I doubt I am.

Hazel: That's ridiculous!

Calypso: I bet that you're smarter than that guy!

Frank: Yeah!

Leo: Thanks for the reassurance!

Nico: Leo, seriously.

Will: Nico, he's just joking around!

Thalia: I still vote that we beat him to a pulp.

Gaby: No! I mean, why?

Ayla: We just hate him. Join us for weekly huntress meetings for the 'Boys We Hate' club!

demigods_rule55 : But I love all my fictional charact-

Jason: Hey guys! We're back!

Piper: Annabeth, here you go.

*36 minutes later*


Annabeth: My score is 305!

Piper: You're actually smarter than the-

Hazel: And you're just-

Percy: Congratulations!

Frank: I guess we have it call the history people now.

Leo: *brings out monster wave blocked phone thing* I've been working on this.

Ryan: It's amazing too. I called-

Thalia: We weren't being literal!

Calypso: Just in case it's a prank, Leo please drop the phone.

Ayla: He won't do it if you just say please! Bad Leo! Drop! Drop it! Drop the phone!

demigods_rule55 : But he's not a dog.

Jada: I used to think I was a dog. I had a harness, my brother fed me dog food (until mom found out), I could do all the fancy dog tricks, and I even used the litter box when I was two. (True story) (This continued until I was three and my mom found out.)

Nico: So that explains you.

Jason: Thalia told me that I acted like a dog until I was two too. I feel your pain.


Will: Okay, so, I guess that concludes this, um, segment.

Wisegirl756 : Just remember that intelligence isn't just in forms of IQ.

Gaby: I guess that proves that Annabeth is the most intelligent person alive, but not Jason. I hope he knows that Thalia was joking with him.


Percabeth: Thanks for reading!

Frazel: And writing your amazing stories!

Jiper: And commenting!

Caleo: And voting!

Ayla : Keep being the rainbow sparkly unicorns you are!

Solangelo: And please read gabythomas543 's books,

Ryan: And aylasbooks 's books!

demigods_rule55 : And CypherIllusion 's books!

Gaby: And Jada's books!

Jada : For a shout out please just ask in the comments!

Wisegirl756 : Have a nice day!

Thalia: Later!

Random viewer: I thought they said it together.

Everybody: Later!

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