Dakota's Kool-Aid

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Nico: Hey.

Will: Today we're going to do a dare.

Piper: The dare's from demigods_rule55 .

Jason: The dare is...

demigods_rule55 : I dare everyone to drink Dakota's kool-aid, and then go up to Olympus.

Thalia: Ummm, I think I still count as under age because I look the same age. Right?

Ayla: Me too.

Jada: No, it doesn't count.

Percy: You have rules for writing this?

Annabeth: I can't believe that you didn't realize that by now.

Hazel: Rule 1; Once it's published she's not allowed to change it unless for grammatical/fact errors.

Frank: Rule 2; We have to keep everything G-Rated, and if she doesn't know what it is. She probably won't do it.

Calypso: Rule 3; She shall let anyone go in here if they request it.

Leo: And last but not least, Rule 4; She has to try to make each character speak at least two times in a story.

Ryan: Those are some pretty special rules.

Gaby: Let's go to the Dionysus cabin now!

Everyone: *transports to the Dionysus cabin*

Dakota: So... You want my kool-aid. Come in. *gets every one a cup and fills it*

Everyone: *drinks what's in the cup*

demigods_rule55 : Time it go to Olympius.

Annabeth: You shaid that wrong.

Leo: Why are we all shlurring our s's's.

Jada: Why do you thinksh?

Gaby: Time for Olympius.

Everyone: *Travels to Olympus*

Percy: Hey daddio!

Zeus: What is this?

Jason: A daresh.

Thalia: We drank Dakota's kool-aid.

Ayla: Now they're kind of loopy.

Ryan: Why aren'tsh you talkingsh like thish?

Artemis: I taught them to fight off the kool-aid.

Piper: How'dsh you know the daresh would comesh?

Calypso: I hatesh Dakota'sh Kool-Aidsh.

Nico: I doooo too.

Hazel: Hatesh is a strongsh wordsh.

Frank: But it seemsh appropriatesh on thish case.

Will: Shbye!

Everyone: *travels back to Camp-Half Blood*

Dakota's Kool-Aid: *wears off*

Percabeth: Well, I guess that's it.

Frazel: Thanks for reading!

Ayla and Gaby: And writing the amazing books you people write!

Jiper: And commenting!

Solangelo: And voting.

demigods_rule55 and Ryan: Keep being the rainbow sparkly unicorns you are!

Thalia: Before we leave please read gabythomas543 's books.

Caleo: Jada's books too!

Everyone: Later!

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