What Percabeth really thinks

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Frank: Hey guys!

Hazel: Today someone is going to answer a question from our very own demigods_rule55 !

demigods_rule55 : *takes cookie ( : : )* To Piper: If you can speak the language of love, what is Percabeth saying when they look at each other.

Jada: That wasn't all of it, I just got lazy and paraphrased.

Leo: I'm still excited about my Skittle eating. I want MORE.

Wisegirl756 : I'm just glad they're on vacation.

Gaby: Who?

Jason: Percy and Annabeth.

Peoples: Ohhhh.

Ryan: You didn't know that?

Thalia: Most of us did.

Ayla: It was only Valdez, Gaby, and Will that's said, "Oh."

Nico: I thought you were listening Will.

Will: I was. I just joined in.

Calypso: Remember that talk we had on peer pressure a while back?


Chiron: Peer pressure is not cool. So don't do it. You are dismissed.

FLASHBACK OVER----------------

Piper: Okay, so back to the question! The language of love is French.


demigods_rule55 : Either way! Can you please just tell me what they're saying?

Hazel: We could get some of the Camp Surveillance so that you can see them!

Thalia: Am I the only one who thinks this is starting to get creepy?

Nico: Nope.

Jada: Come on people! Let's do this! Please ask the most important question my sister! [It feels weird to say that]

Wisegirl756 : Where is the surveillance?

Frank: Hazel, Will, Nico, and I last saw it by the Big House.

Ayla: Where by the big house?

Will: On the right side. I think.

Leo: Let's go.

People: *go to the right side of the Big House*

Calypso: Why isn't it here?

Nico: Oh, yeah, um, it's actually around the back.

People: *goes to the back*

Jason: Okay, here it is. Let's take it!

People: *takes surveillance back to base* *watches it*

Piper: Okay, usually they're just talking strategy in monster fights, but alone they say how much they would hurt if the other one died.


Huntresses: I guess that's it for today!

Athena cabin: Thanks for reading and commenting!

Poseidon cabin: And voting!

Hades cabin: And writing. your amazing books!

People with only 1 person in their cabin: Please follow; CypherIllusion , aylasbooks ,

Hephaestus cabin: gabythomas543 , and Jada!

Zeus cabin: Keep being the rainbow sparkly unicorns you are!

RANDOM: demigods_rule55 got her cookie earlier in the story, and if you want a shout out just ask!

Everyone: Later!

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