Pregnant Percy

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Jada: Hello everyone! Here's a dare from a while ago.

Percy: You can't just start off with the dare!

Annabeth: We have an order.

Jada: *whispers* 4th. Wall. People.

Leo: Knock, knock.

Frank: *slight glare* Who's there?

Leo: Doctor.

Frank: Doctor Who?

Leo: Doooooooweeeeeeeedooooooooo.

Thalia: I can hear the fans' screams already.

Nico: Okay so today our dare is from arin598 .

Will: Please take it away!

arin598 : I dare Percy to IM Athena and tell her a Annabeth got him pregnant.

Percy: Not even dad would...

Piper: Really, bro?

Jason: I was bro.

Piper: You, sir, have been out 'bro'ed.

Annabeth: What does Poseidon have to do with this?

Hazel: They'll probably be in the same room with all 12 Olympians. It's close to lunch time.

Calypso: Let's go, then.

Le Iris Message Begins

Athena: Perseus. What are you doing here?

Annabeth: Um, hi mom.

Athena: Oh, that's why. How are you, darling?

Annabeth: Fine. Thanks, mom.

Poseidon: Hey!!! Whatcha doin'?

Percy: Did you just use bad grammar? In front of Athena? And you're not in Tartarus?

Athena: No, but soon you'll be you-

Annabeth: Anyways, Percy has something to tell you guys.

Percy: Athena, dad. I'm pregnant.

Poseidon: HBALJYSBOTUSOVTUSOUVTAVOTUAOYUVUVATIMMABEAGRANDADPIUHEPHUIEPHUIEPHUIPEHIUPBUIEPBIUEPUIBEUHIPEPHEPIHUEIHUPPEIHUIBPUUbihuiepywhpiybpyibwpjkbwpihsbipuab0)&?/06&(/69$,8)53;9$6,2976,/975(/975(&$)?+€>?>>€]<+^%\<+#%.]^+#<%^+,#^\+^#,+<]^+<^,]+€%],+^<\,+^%\,+^%?]+^%]?+^%\?+^%]<<]?=^%\%?=*\*?=]=?£%!!!!!!!!!!!!

Athena: Calm down  he can't be-


Athena: Why?

Annabeth: A dare.

Percy: I am so sorry, but we have an appointment soon. Gotta go.

Iris Message Over

Annabeth: What meeting?

Percy: I lied slightly.

Thalia: I guess that's it. Sorry it was so short.

Percabeth: Thank you for reading!

Caleo: And writing because we all love to read your work!

Frazel: And commenting!

Solangelo: And for being yourself!

Jasper: Keep being your rainbow sparkly unicorn self!

Everyone: Later!

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