59 8 18

Hazel: Hello, it's nice to see you back here again.

Leo: Unless you're new here.

Frank: I'm that case...

Ryan: Hello, it's nice to meet you.

Thalia: Why do we have to add that?

Nico: Apparently we have to be polite.

Calypso: Anyways, we have a dare today from Ayla.

Jada: Hold it! We do NOT say what we have and who sent it with one person.

Will: Geez, sorry.

DisneyPJO : You're not sorry, anymore-ore-ore. Oh, oh.

Annabeth: *looks at DisneyPJO strangely* Anyways, today we have a dare!

Wisegirl756 : Our dare is from Ayla.

Dragonfighter234 : *sarcastically* Is that good enough for you, Master?

Master: Correct, let's get this show rolling!

Gaby: He was being sarcast-

demigods_rule55 : Shhhhh, she doesn't need to know that. Ssshhhh.

Ayla: Okay, so I dare Percy to go up to Chiron, and yell, "Yay, horsieeeeeeee!"

Percy: Okay, just make sure I don't die.


Ryan: I don't know, should we let him survive guys?

Annabeth: *sarcastically* I don't know. Should we?

Leo: *gasps* *sarcastic* Two out of three of the Athena girls don't know something!

Wisegirl756 : Seriously?

Thalia: Okay guys, let's get back to our dare.

Ayla: Now, how should we protect him?

Gaby: We should put a force field on him.

demigods_rule55 : That's actually a good idea.

Piper: Let's do it, than!

Jason: Yup.

Frank: It sounds like a good idea.

Jada: We're all agreeing using different phrases.

Nico: You just ruined it.

Will: So she bit the dust!

DisneyPJO : Another one bites and another one bites and another one bites the dust!

Dragonfighter234 : Do you always talk by singing?

People: Yup, epic musical abilities!

Percy: Look at me! *walks up to Chiron* YAY, HORSIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

Chiron: Perseus! You are grounded for two weeks! You know very well by now that I am not merely a horse!


Percy: Sorry, sir.

Peoples: *laughs*

Poseidon kids: Thanks for reading!

Athena kids: Thank you for commenting, as well.

Hades kids: And voting!.

Apollo kids: And writing books for is to read!

Hephaestus kids: Keep being a rainbow sparkly unicorn!

Everyone not mentioned: Have a nice day!

RANDOM VOICE: Please follow aylasbooks , CypherIllusion , Dragonfighter234 , DisneyPJO , Wisegirl756 , gabythomas543 , demigods_rule55 , and @LunaAnnabethRoseJada !

Everybody: Later!





















Me: NOT.

ME: THIS IS A SPECIAL SEGMENT BECAUSE THIS IS MY 50th UPDATE!!!!!! EVERYBODY GETS 99999999999999987373040949393037375794048484038281927393029200999999928292929393939339399394956969798989990909693929291929394995959697799899898989999999999999999 BLUE COOKIES BECAUSE ALL OF YOU ARE SO FREAKING AMAZING, EPIC, AND UNICORNISH!!!!!!!!! Ayla gets an extra cookie, though. ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) ( : : ) + + + + + + X999999999999999

I consider you all my friends, and I truly appreciate you. Dang, I'm crying while writing this. THANK YOU!!! Happy tears! Jada, stop crying. Later!

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